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Stonedcl 19 February 2012 11:16 AM

Was anyone in here a clubber in the late 90's in NYC??
I so a preview for the Limelight movie about peter gaitan and it brought back so many good (and bad) memories of some of the craziest best times of my life in the club scene in NYC in the late 90's.. 97-99 was my hay day... Sound Factory or Limelight every friday night, Tunnel every saterday night (sunday morning) and depending how good the E was twilo at 9 AM sunday morning for some Junior vasquez..
The first NYC club i went to was Pladdium when i was 16 in 96 and they closed shortly after but then Tunnel with Danny Tenaglia was the spot for me on sunday morning.. I remember me and my crew would roll in at 4AM because that is when the drunk idiots went home and then it was all about the music and substance.. I know i killed alot of brain cells and might have did something to my healt with all the E and K that was taken but I do not regret one moment of it!!
I saw thing in those clubs that people would not belive and also did some stuff that I don't belive but it was all in good fun and have some great memories..
Any old school club headz in the rolex community?
I hav not been in a mega club in years after Gaiten got deported and tunnle closed, limelight turned to avalon and now a mall.. Last super clubs I been to was Crowbar and Exit before that but always wanted to check out the old Sound factory .. Pacha but can not stay awake passed 11 now and do not put any chemicals in my body so I could no do it anymore.. But anyone remember those days.. or am I trippin alone??:dummy:

Andad 19 February 2012 11:22 AM


Schmed 19 February 2012 12:44 PM

Your spelling and grammar would indicate that you did indeed, kill quite a few brain cells. Congrats!

Stonedcl 19 February 2012 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by schmed (Post 3078902)
your spelling and grammar would indicate that you did indeed, kill quite a few brain cells. Congrats!

lol.. Yes it did!!

coreyharris 19 February 2012 03:04 PM

The Garage
I was a Paradise Garage man in the 80's. To this day no sound system can match what they had, didn't hurt that Larry Levan was the DJ either.

threemonkeys 19 February 2012 05:16 PM

Well, fine sir, I suspect that you be trippin alone. But it was a very interesting thread to read.

sleddog 19 February 2012 05:36 PM

Your username says it all....

I'm going to let this one continue (against my better judgement!), as long as the thread sticks to the clubs and time period already mentioned....
Any further posts based on illicit drugs will be removed with a possible removal and points issued!!

Passionata 19 February 2012 05:39 PM

Most of the members are to old here mate ,they bought their first hearing aid in the end of nineties ;-)

Stonedcl 20 February 2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Passionata (Post 3079278)
Most of the members are to old here mate ,they bought their first hearing aid in the end of nineties ;-)

So most people are the studio 54 bunch..
I guess younger people do not appreciate high end timepieces..:cheers:

azguy 20 February 2012 12:23 AM

I was in the Limelight a 100x's in the late 90's, the Tunnel too. The Limelight was cool being in an old church and was a target rich environment, for sure :cheers:

Dan2010 20 February 2012 12:43 AM

I looooove me some cheesy poofs.........

Paladin 20 February 2012 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dan2010 (Post 3079854)
I looooove me some cheesy poofs.........



Originally Posted by Stonedcl (Post 3079809)
So most people are the studio 54 bunch..
I guess younger people do not appreciate high end timepieces..:cheers:

Nope, most yngr people seem to rely on their smart phones/PDA's. As a result I think most young people look at fine wristwatches as clunky, ugly bling jewelry....just look at the low wend watches worn bry the few that do wear them...

BarkMaster 20 February 2012 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by sleddog (Post 3079276)
Your username says it all....

I'm going to let this one continue (against my better judgement!), as long as the thread sticks to the clubs and time period already mentioned....
Any further posts based on illicit drugs will be removed with a possible removal and points issued!!

IBTL :twit:

nauticajoe 20 February 2012 02:46 AM

Absolutely! The Tunnel was my fav. Right next to the Holland tunnel. Very convenient for an ex-NJ guy living in no. Jersey at the time! Palladium was my #2, then comes Limelight, followed by Red Zone.

dalip 20 February 2012 03:36 AM

No-one's going to lock this thread as long as there is no posting concerning illicit drugs. Simple. There was some ill advised mention in the first post but the message seems to have been understood since then.

In any case I'm sure members are mature enough to realize that getting into that across the Internet would be foolish. As well as the obvious legal implications we will only get into the related arguments and that'd just be tiresome and end badly.

Discussing / reminiscing about clubbing days is fine as a topic.

Stonedcl 20 February 2012 04:01 AM

Did any of you ex club headz watch the limelight movie yet ?
The movie was wrote by Gaitens daughter. He also opened a club in Toronto CiRca that has since closed..!
I went to the limelight mall a few months ago and what a waste of great space!!!

Paladin 20 February 2012 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Stonedcl (Post 3080339)
Did any of you ex club headz watch the limelight movie yet ?
The movie was written by Gaitens daughter. He also opened a club in Toronto, CiRca, that has since closed..!
I went to the limelight mall a few months ago and what a waste of great space!!!

Corrections in bold above. :rofl::rofl:

Pix 20 February 2012 10:19 AM


FeelingTheBlues 20 February 2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Paladin (Post 3080050)
Nope, most yngr people seem to rely on their smart phones/PDA's. As a result I think most young people look at fine wristwatches as clunky, ugly bling jewelry....just look at the low wend watches worn bry the few that do wear them...

Well I'm young and I prefer a fine timepiece (or a quartz watch) to a phone's clock, just saying. :chuckle:

I'm not a "clubber" (as they call it) though. I like to go out and have a few drinks with friends from times to times but I prefer to relax at home. :cheers:

masterserg 20 February 2012 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Passionata (Post 3079278)
Most of the members are to old here mate ,they bought their first hearing aid in the end of nineties ;-)

Just choked on my coffee! Too funny!

Stonedcl 20 February 2012 12:41 PM

Anyone in NYC that is stil in the scene..?
Are there any megaclubs in NYC now like tunnel or exit.. I'm talking 2000-3000 people under 1 roof..

How bout raves I remember some great times at bang 1 and bang 2 at shampoo in Philly and then after party at evelution in Philly.. There where also some good clubs in nj back in the day like metro lounge with richie rydell, club abyss, and who can forget temptations in sleaside....

NYC6 20 February 2012 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pix (Post 3081243)

That was more my kind of place.

XLVI Supwr Bowl Champs NY Giants

fusionstorm 20 February 2012 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paladin (Post 3080456)
Corrections in bold above. :rofl::rofl:

You missed the most obvious correction. It's Gatien.

I was a club fiend in San Francisco during a decent portion of the 90s, but never made it out to NYC then.

Oyster1982 21 February 2012 12:40 AM

I m in my late 20's and when I was single I was at gay clubs in NYC/NJ every weekend. My partner and I still visit places like Therapy and Posh in Hells Kitchen. Sometimes we go to Splash which pretty much has the same people in it as Paradise in Asbury Park where I met my partner.

azguy 21 February 2012 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pix (Post 3081243)

Funny story, about 10-12 years ago I was in NY and end up at CBGB's and bought my girlfriend at the time a couple of shirts. She was waaay younger and had no idea about the club and their history.

She did some research and started wearing the shirst and she would get stopped all the time and people would ask about the shrts and if she was from NY and where they could by one.

She's long gong....I miss that shirt :rofl:

FNFZ4 21 February 2012 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by sleddog (Post 3079276)
your username says it all....

I'm going to let this one continue (against my better judgement!), as long as the thread sticks to the clubs and time period already mentioned....
Any further posts based on illicit drugs will be removed with a possible removal and points issued!!


Paladin 21 February 2012 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by azguy (Post 3082511)
She's long gong....I miss that shirt :rofl:


Stonedcl 22 February 2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Oyster1982 (Post 3082466)
I m in my late 20's and when I was single I was at gay clubs in NYC/NJ every weekend. My partner and I still visit places like Therapy and Posh in Hells Kitchen. Sometimes we go to Splash which pretty much has the same people in it as Paradise in Asbury Park where I met my partner.

Tunnel Kerfew party was gay friendly and also junior Vasquez at twilo..
The gays deffinatly know how to PARTY!!!:cheers:

wantonebad 22 February 2012 03:41 PM


KirkWilfred 22 February 2012 04:02 PM

I cant believe I just read this entire thread...I feel like Im the stupiderist person

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