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Randy Marsh 7 September 2008 08:36 AM

some underwater SD wrist shots please...
I've been googling them for a while with no success...let's see if this is the right place to find them. Just a couple of them to make me happy...:cheers:

vjb.knife 7 September 2008 08:40 AM

Here's one for you .....
Here's one for you that I took in Puerto Rico a couple of years ago.

steel4me 7 September 2008 08:42 AM

I know you are looking personal shots but check this out... the beast in its environment .. the deeper it goes, the better it performs!!! HELL YEAH SD!!!

Randy Marsh 7 September 2008 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by steel4me (Post 736322)
I know you are looking personal shots but check this out... the beast in its environment .. the deeper it goes, the better it performs!!! HELL YEAH SD!!!

that's a classic one. Thanks anyway !!:thumbsup:

gimme some wrists guys !!!

Good job Vince !! The compass looks great along with the nato. That's really a " put it on and forget about it " SD version.

steel4me 7 September 2008 08:49 AM

there was a recent post about SD and an AD, I mean a great white shark approaching ......some diver posted it ....

Howie 7 September 2008 09:11 AM

VJB. that is a great shot, thank you! I love seeing these watches used as they were meant to, and as tool watches. Not that I do, except for a very rare dunk in the pool... just good to see it in action.

Randy Marsh 7 September 2008 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Howie (Post 736351)
VJB. that is a great shot, thank you! I love seeing these watches used as they were meant to, and as tool watches. Not that I do, except for a very rare dunk in the pool... just good to see it in action.

that's why I need to see some inspirational pics. Had my SD for 2 months but kept it stored. Now it's time to show him some water,either pool or beach...yuuuhhuuuu !!!

seantk 7 September 2008 09:34 AM

Here - don't get scared. My Sd was either protecting me or attracting the great white :chuckle:

Photo was taken while doing 3 days of cage diving with great white sharks in Isla Guadalupe 150 miles of Baja Mexico


Parachrom 7 September 2008 10:44 AM

Last time i got dumped in 60 feet of water off Key largo, the boat captain suggested I should put something over my Sd band, as it is too shiny and attracts baracuda.

Rather than cover the bracelt, I simply took off my dog tags which were flashing in the sunlight, kept the SD as it was suposed to be fearless and waterproof.

TimeToGo 7 September 2008 10:56 AM

Parachrom, I have heard the same about gold chains. It was brought to my attention during a dive. There was a Barracuda near by and I headed to the instructions..

Letsgodiving 7 September 2008 11:18 AM

I have heard that about barracuda's for 20+ years but I have never seen anyone or spoken with anyone who has had a barracuda have a go at anything shiny. There are plenty of shiny things on scuba equipment. The coast of NC has the largest barracudas I've ever seen and they love to hover around you while you decompress on the anchor line but they just seem curious. They have a lot of teeth and look kind of wicked but seem pretty harmless from my experience.

vjb.knife 7 September 2008 11:32 AM

I have heard this but do not believe it at all ......

Originally Posted by Parachrom (Post 736417)
Last time i got dumped in 60 feet of water off Key largo, the boat captain suggested I should put something over my Sd band, as it is too shiny and attracts baracuda.

Rather than cover the bracelt, I simply took off my dog tags which were flashing in the sunlight, kept the SD as it was suposed to be fearless and waterproof.

I have heard this but do not believe it at all. I can not tell you how many times I have seen Baracuda in the Ocean and never once felt threatened (although my wife has been a bit concerned).

From 1960 unitl now the number of attacks on humans number under a dozen or so which is so insignificant considering the number of people in the water it is not worth counting. prior to 1963 only 19 confirmed attacks were documented. None were even close to fatal with the worst I read about causing 35 stitches.

Here is a picture of one that I took numerous flash pictures of and he did not care one bit. I even got the feeling that he was posing for me.

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