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Old 7 December 2020, 01:21 PM   #14
"TRF" Member
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Posts: 80
I love AP and Rolex for the watch brands that they are.

The fact that a more diverse crowd likes these watches does not diminish the watch brand or my love for these watches.

I love the diamonds and the bling on these watches. They are not my style, but I can appreciate the individuality and style of these watches because ultimately at the core they remain an AP

That's the beautiful thing about our hobby. I love my gold 36mm Day Date but I would never wear a 36mm Calatrava. Doesn't mean I have to trash the PP 5119 as a old mans watch for girly men with small wrists

Some of these celebrities (Anthony Davis, John Mayer and Kevin Hart) have AP collections we could only dream of.

Just my two cents.
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