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Old 3 December 2022, 05:01 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Kermit worth the upgrade to Cookie Monster?

Mind you this is completely hypothetical, I'm waiting for a kermit, but have been seeing on the grey/secondary market for a Cookie Monster for as low as $35 w/o tax, which is significantly below what you would get at an AD. Given that, if you were able to acquire a green submariner at MSRP, would you turn around and trade it for a blue sub?

Of course you'd have to add up the difference in cash. So in this scenario, a cookie monster ($35k) minus kermit (~15k), equals about $20k cash. So total cost after initial purchase at AD then trade is $11.5 (kermit + tax) + $20k + shipping label = $32k. Compare that to buying straight from AD, that is if you're able to at MSRP + tax, you'd have to pay $43.5k.

The downside to this is that you're just saving $3k by going through the AD at all. Might as well just buy straight from grey dealer?

Apologies to whose who now think of me as a flipper, but just wanted to talk it out with fellow watch owners.
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