Thread: Dogs of TRF
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Old 10 April 2023, 05:15 AM   #680
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In the month of March, our 14 year-old and 16 year-old Labradors both had their Dates with Destiny. The dog that remains is pictured below. She was feral and after Animal Control caught her buddies (when she was about 6 months old), she climbed our fence and adopted our "pack." Ten years later, she will eat out of our hand (reluctantly), come inside and wag and walk around pretending to be a real dog ..... but you still can't touch her. Vet says it sometimes happens this way and she probably is as happy as she can be. Crazy, though.

Her separation anxiety with both of the other dogs gone is very real, complete with periodic drawn-out mournful coyote howls. But it has gone better than I had expected.

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