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Old 20 July 2023, 01:43 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by DJFanUK View Post
Back in Jan 2022 I managed to purchase what I thought was my dream Rolex diver, the SD43.

It looked perfect on my flat 7.25 wrist and wore it as my daily for a good 8 months.

After a short while thou I started to notice that I was having to wear it so tight to stop it feeling a little wobbly and top heavy. I read numerous treads with owners saying the same thing and many other stating the total opposite. But for me it was just to uncomfortable

I had already removed the divers extension, which helped but there was a constant nagging feeling that it just wasnt comfortable for me personally. In vain, I continued to wear it, thinking that I'd just used to it but unfortunately not, so it dat unworn for several months. I don't have the cash to leave a 10k watch sitting unused so I tried to find a replacement.

I went to a large AD and was able to try on several divers,and found that the DSSD was more comfortable on wrist due to the flatter case back unlike the SD43. I was tempted to go that route but the overall size and thickness was an issue for day to day wear with a shirt cuff.

I went to my own AD and they offered to buy it back from my for what I paid for it from them and offered my a 41mm Sub date when they could allocate me one.

3 weeks later, I'm now the proud owner of that sub and I couldn't be happier with it.

Just goes to show that until you experience something regardless of visible preferences or the preferences or opinions of others, you just don't know how a watch will really wear.
Takes at least several weeks and more likely several months of wearing a watch to really know if it works for you.

Glad you got what works best for you.
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