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Old 22 July 2023, 08:40 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Colorado_kid View Post
Dad advice (not that you asked):

OP, if your goal is one-upping your peers, tell them they all waisted their parents money on Rolex and buy a vintage Speedmaster. Hit up the gym, pick a major with a high probability of economic success, focus on your interpersonal skills, read a lot, limit binge drinking, recognize you’re in a very fun but short period of your life and enjoy the next couple years.

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Solid advice. Hope it’s not too late given the attitude. I was at first going reply with my usual insistence that five digit is peak Rolex. But that would only contribute to number of people who buy nice watches for all the wrong reasons. OP should get a Breitling or Hublot. Best. Watches. Evva.
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