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Old 23 July 2023, 06:35 AM   #33
the dark knight
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I think this could be quite the conundrum for you, at least based on my own experience with the Explorer II. Because I have this watch disease, I sold it because I had a hard time fitting it into a collection, haha. Whereas as an only watch it is so perfect and really stands out. Just a great take anywhere adventure type watch. But it was really tough to really pair or trio up with other watches.

Probably not the path you would take or most people would, but I thought it paired best with the Explorer II Polar or Explorer I. Crazy as this sounds, at one brief point I had all 3, and I thought it was kind of a cool collection.

Back in real world land, I think a Speedy Pro would be a great 3rd watch in that collection. But yea, I really have a hard time figuring out good watches to go with the Explorer II.
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