Thread: Dogs of TRF
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Old 20 September 2023, 09:28 AM   #766
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Originally Posted by alex.cicollo View Post
Loved reading the genesis of Millie’s name! I wish I had an equally beautiful naming story for Dolly. As I love Japan I was going to name here Konnichiwa which is cute, but would make me silly in the park :) So we kept the name her breeder bestowed her. And now I love it!

I was very skeptical about a staffie - my partner was the one who pushed me. Our last dog I chose, so it was only fair he had a go this time! And I’m glad he did!

I guess Dolly’s legs are short really - maybe it’s the angle - she won’t be taller than 13in to the shoulder, the little short-arse! [emoji23]

Millie surely sounds like a great hostess and a lovely girl!! Would have paid good money to see the dynamics with the pup on the spectrum (loved the definition by the way)!

Dolly is up there with the best along with Molly.
Our girl's name from the breeder was "Sweet Pea".
The litter was the first they had and it was a young loving family with 3 early school age children with the youngest being girls, so from interacting with the family i imagine the names chosen for the 8 pups in the litter were heavily influenced by the female contingent of the family
Anyway, two words was too much so we had to change it to something that wasn't too common, so "Camilla" it was.
She also comes to Cammy which was the very first variation on her official name.
As with all these things like nick names, they tend to settle on something else that's not so official and or completely different, but somehow more fitting to them as individuals as their personalities unfold and how they fit into the family.
As long as they come straight away when they are called
Kind regards to your family and best wishes for many joyful 4 legged years together.
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