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Old 7 November 2006, 01:18 AM   #18
Join Date: May 2006
Real Name: David
Location: Iowa
Watch: SS Sub
Posts: 85
dman-it's good to be back!

I noticed the latest addition to the wife's collection in your post-Sweet! Where did you get the pink strap? My wife has been wearing my 000 lately and she thinks the HK TAN strap is a little bulky for her, and she doesn't like the stock rubber or black strap. I can't believe you got rid of your BASE-I guess it must be love!

I am awaiting my 188-it should be in my hands later this week. The dealer packed it up on Friday and sent it out registered mail. I would still like to add a bracelet model to the collection, but I have given up holding my breath for the 221. If anyone out there is reading this and there local dealer has a 221 sitting in the case please let me know!

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