Thread: A week in Kona?
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Old 6 November 2024, 08:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by m32 View Post
Thank you all for sharing your advice. It has been very helpful and now we have a slew of cool places to eat. I think we have settled to stay mainly on the NW side of the island.

We do expect to spend time at the east side of the big island to check out the volcano. Should we plan to stay a night or two on that side or is it usually just a day trip? If the former, are there any recommended (nice/modern) hotels out that way? All I've seen are older/more traditional hotels.

Day trip. I suggest you take the Saddle Road.

As a point of reference, we've done 'Akaka Falls and VNP, including the full crater hike, lava tube, desolation trail, petroglyphs etc. in a single day driving to and from the general area you'll be at. It's a long day, but absolutely doable and fun.

Only caveat would be if you don't like driving in the dark or in fog. Saddle Road is fine, but it can be dark and foggy.
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