Ok, so I'm a HUGE dog lover. I like them more than people!
My avatar is my girl Petunia, which I lost last Memorial Day, she was the best dog I ever had & I've had dogs my whole life! I miss her terribly.
Petunia by the Lake by
~Ocho1~, on Flickr
We were then left with just Grandi-Luna, or Luna for short. She's a good girl, but a bit crazy. She literally made me fight off a bear!
Luni-toons by
~Ocho1~, on Flickr
And this past October we adopted Pie, or Piggy Pie as we so often call her. Some A-hole dropped her off at the Seminole County Animal Services overnight drop off with a dead puppy stuck half way out of her. They say that the puppy had been dead about 2 days!! Well, she doesn't have to worry about anything like that anymore. She's got a good home now.
Pie-Pie by
~Ocho1~, on Flickr