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Old 20 March 2025, 04:15 AM   #3
TRF Moderator & 2025 Titanium Yacht-Master Patron
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Loc-tite lock threads by hardening and providing resistance to torsional twisting across the thread area, a much larger surface than the simpler push-pull of studs.

The fix here is to re-knurl the ends of the studs which would expand them for a tighter fit, or replace them with fresh studs.

Now, you could use Loc-tite here if it is still a very tight fit, but if it isn't then the Loc-tite will never reach strength due to the presence of air in the fitment.

If you don't want it to separate again then clean it with acetone and use a small drop of adhesive on the knurls, epoxies are fine.
(Chill ... It's just a watch Forum.....)
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