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Old 7 December 2009, 01:50 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Idle Swede View Post
I know you don't understand the "you don't give up comment" since you take every opportunity you can to publicly pick on me.

What I don't understand is why this matter is any of your business and such a big concern to you. You have repeatedly told me publicly how you feel so don't you think that I by now have got your message? If you were half the man you could have, a long time ago sent me a PM or an e-mail expressing your concern and I would probably have listened to you.

Of course my "wife comment" was a blow below the belt and I shouldn't have mentioned it publicly as that failure of yours is none of my concern but rather your problem. Twisting my words around to make it look like I meant MY wife is of course just wishful thinking from your side.

Surely there must be more important illegal activities going on in your hometown that you can devote your hatred to. For instance, jaywalking and spitting on the street which can keep you busy for a long time.

I'm going to take the high road in this matter and let you have the last word in this matter and I deeply regret going in to dialogs with you.


That's the high road Leo!? Are you for real?

That was definitely NOT choosing to live on a higher level. You talk about the man's wife and then retort him again will pure unadulterated sarcasm. Really weak.

Perhaps you think that adding a "best" at the end of your post makes it all ok.

Badly done.
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