My FedEx Package
I got this today. Looks like I'm about to become rich. As soon as I recieve the funds, I will share the largesse with all my friends on TRF. Feel free to let me know which watch you'ld like.
How did FedEx know my name was "undisclosed-recipients." 
Message From FedEx.
Monday, December 7, 2009 8:22 AM
From: "FedEx" <>Add sender to Contacts
To: undisclosed-recipients
We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Package that has been
registered with us for shipping to your residential location. The content
of your parcel includes a Bank Draft worth of $688,000.00 (Six Hundred and
Eighty Eight Thousand US Dollars).
You are required to send your Complete Name, Country, Address and Phone
Number to our Customer Care Officer: Mr. Anderson Cole. E-mail Address:, Phone-Number: +2347059833193.
Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.
Tosser Cabinet Member
Official Member: 'Perpetual 30' Vegas International GTG 2016
Official Member "WIS-CON" Las Vegas International GTG 2017
Official Member "WIS-CON" Las Vegas International GTG 2018
Official Member "WIS-CON" Las Vegas International GTG 2019