I won't go into a long drawn out post .... It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... However:
As some may know me knows, my health is not good. I've been in the car business for about 18yrs. I've done ok with it. I survived not one but two widow maker heart attacks and was gone from my business for over two years ..... Too sick to work. I got lucky and fought for my life and got lucky enough to be included into a clinical trial in Tampa for an investigational device called the Parachute Implant. It took me from being homebound to back at the office for roughly 25 to 35 hours a week for the last year and a half. I bought a submariner to celebrate it. Since then my health is been in decline again and I've been depressed and I've always reverted to "things" to make me feel better. On my darkest of days slipping my 16610 onto my wrist made me feel good.
For some dumbass reason i'm not long ago thought that I wanted to start flipping to a 16600. I should've done the deal that I had worked out, but I was too picky.
So what did I do I made a deal for a Tudor Pelagos ( nib )
I've had it for a week it's a great watch, comfortable, awesome looking, keeps time as well as any watch I've ever owned but it's not my Sub. I did the deal because I got some cash back that I hate to admit ..... I needed it.
I'm ready to sell my Audi to actually flip back to my 16610 or a 16600 because my wife just doesn't get my watch needs.
It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... But I am so unhappy. Anyone else made bad flips and not really have the resources to easily change back?
That's hard for me to admit, but with the decline of my health again and my inability to work like an owner of a business needs to work, I'm left feeling kind of beaten.
No Sub and no business and two many debts on the books to come out of it with cash. I won't owe anything but I don't want the Pelagos ..... I want my Sub back.
Here's my story, I'm not looking for pity but what do I do next?
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