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Old 5 July 2008, 02:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Zed Homme View Post
Interesting. I use your shake trick to "jumpstart" an unworn automatic watch before I set the time. In theory though, If I am wearing my Sub and I am active, wouldnt the watch be wound to its full power reserve as I am wearing it? Could this cause my watch to be consistently fast? I've never bothered to check accuracy over a greater than 24hr period. In those 24 hours, my watches seem to run consistently within 2 sec. whether I wear them or not.
The amplitude is the degree of rotation the balance wheel takes around it's pivot point. When you shake it you interrupt this rotation by imparting centrifugal force either with the balance swing, or against it causing it to stop short. These things will speed the watch up slightly.

This is the reason that a worn watch will generally always be faster than a watch that is static, or even a watch on a winder.

But, we are talking in fractions of a second here and not a significant amount..

As far as wearing it to wind it can if you're active...but most of us aren't active enough to fully wind and mostly only top-off a partially discharged watch.

If your watch operates in the bottom half of it's power band, it will run fast, if you operate in the upper half (closer to fully wound) it will be slightly slower. This is due to the inherent parasitic drag and full torque pull on the drive train from the "tighter" mainspring..
(Chill ... It's just a watch Forum.....)
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