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Old 9 October 2018, 08:00 AM   #26
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Not really

Originally Posted by JacksonStone View Post
Largely a bunch of one-liners. But at this point, we're prosecuting a guy in absentia. Some of his behavior may not be ideal customer service, but that doesn't automatically make him a scammer. Moreover, I'm not seeing any solid evidence he has scammed anyone. All of this "doesn't look good" feedback is causing OP to freak out and file a claim one day before the delivery date, which doesn't make much sense, imo. I don't see what he has to lose by waiting another day for the package to arrive. For all we know, his bank will tell him to do that anyway.
Look at post #14 and you will see the guy is a scammer. So waiting one more day could be very costly.
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