10 February 2019, 01:31 AM
"TRF" Life Patron
Join Date: Jun 2005
Real Name: Peter
Location: Llanfairpwllgwyng
Watch: ing you.
Posts: 53,273
Originally Posted by Law_ren22
I currently own a 2016 BLNR and a two week old Submariner date (Jan. 2019) which i got at retail price. I've been eyeing on the Daytona Ceramic Black dial and i can't afford to have three rolex watches as much as i would want to. Which of the two should i sell for the daytona? my 2016 BLNR or my 2019 Sub date? Need your inputs. Thanks
PS. the daytona im purchasing is worth about $21,100 (grey market).. I have no choice since that's my only way to get it.
What something is worth is only what someone will pay, myself would never pay grey market prices for a Daytona.
ICom Pro3
All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.
"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop. Now is the only time you actually own the time, Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still for ever."
Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.
Second in command CEO and left handed watch winder