Originally Posted by lhawli
Sell the Sub if one MUST go! the BLNR will be a future classic IMO.
The way I anticipate this playing out for you, is that you will sell one of them to fund the DayC. Only to go full 360 in a few years and buy back the same watch you sold.
You would have overpaid for a Daytona and you will once again overpay to replace the watch you sold. So just Keep both and put your name on a list for a DayC and save up over the next year or 2 wait and buy the DayC at MSRP.
Yeah exactly my thoughts. Between my BLNR and Sub, i like and wear more my BLNR. I want something better than my BLNR and i feel that it is the daytona ceramic that's at par if not better looking than my BLNR. I sometimes find the sub to be boring or its just me.