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Old 13 November 2015, 03:00 PM   #1
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Anyone else flipped theirselves into depression?

I won't go into a long drawn out post .... It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... However:
As some may know me knows, my health is not good. I've been in the car business for about 18yrs. I've done ok with it. I survived not one but two widow maker heart attacks and was gone from my business for over two years ..... Too sick to work. I got lucky and fought for my life and got lucky enough to be included into a clinical trial in Tampa for an investigational device called the Parachute Implant. It took me from being homebound to back at the office for roughly 25 to 35 hours a week for the last year and a half. I bought a submariner to celebrate it. Since then my health is been in decline again and I've been depressed and I've always reverted to "things" to make me feel better. On my darkest of days slipping my 16610 onto my wrist made me feel good.
For some dumbass reason i'm not long ago thought that I wanted to start flipping to a 16600. I should've done the deal that I had worked out, but I was too picky.
So what did I do I made a deal for a Tudor Pelagos ( nib )
I've had it for a week it's a great watch, comfortable, awesome looking, keeps time as well as any watch I've ever owned but it's not my Sub. I did the deal because I got some cash back that I hate to admit ..... I needed it.
I'm ready to sell my Audi to actually flip back to my 16610 or a 16600 because my wife just doesn't get my watch needs.
It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... But I am so unhappy. Anyone else made bad flips and not really have the resources to easily change back?
That's hard for me to admit, but with the decline of my health again and my inability to work like an owner of a business needs to work, I'm left feeling kind of beaten.
No Sub and no business and two many debts on the books to come out of it with cash. I won't owe anything but I don't want the Pelagos ..... I want my Sub back.
Here's my story, I'm not looking for pity but what do I do next?

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Old 13 November 2015, 03:10 PM   #2
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Hello Richard. Thank you for sharing your story, and first of all, I honestly hope you feel better and your health improves.

On the subject, I have been there. Owning a business is not always 'A+' game. You are the last to get paid and the first responsible for anything and everything. When I have been forced to make difficult decisions, I have felt depressed and sad, but later I realize this happens because I have blood in my veins and feelings in my heart. In the end, when you realize you did it for the right reason, it doesn't hurt as much. There are many things which are far more important. My two cents, buy a nice bottle of wine, and celebrate life with your loved ones. Then, set up an exit plan to get finances in order AND your Rolex. Savor the moment and hunt. Enjoy it. You will be back on track in no time. Oh, and do remember, here you have a tremendous virtual family!!!
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Old 13 November 2015, 03:13 PM   #3
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Richard, glad to hear you are better.

That is number one....

Your grail watch will always be there for you and I hope you get it soon.
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Old 13 November 2015, 03:17 PM   #4
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Anyone else flipped theirselves into depression?

Originally Posted by GerardoG View Post
Hello Richard. Thank you for sharing your story, and first of all, I honestly hope you feel better and your health improves.

On the subject, I have been there. Owning a business is not always 'A+' game. You are the last to get paid and the first responsible for anything and everything. When I have been forced to make difficult decisions, I have felt depressed and sad, but later I realize this happens because I have blood in my veins and feelings in my heart. In the end, when you realize you did it for the right reason, it doesn't hurt as much. There are many things which are far more important. My two cents, buy a nice bottle of wine, and celebrate life with your loved ones. Then, set up an exit plan to get finances in order AND your Rolex. Savor the moment and hunt. Enjoy it. You will be back on track in no time. Oh, and do remember, here you have a tremendous virtual family!!!

I did do it for the right reasons .... My family -

It still stings. I didn't have to make the flip, my wife was ok with me not .... However appreciated the sacrifice. She tells me I'll have another but I do worry I won't see that day again. Pelagos it is I guess.

AND I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE MY TRF FAMILY, it got me through the darkest of days after the heart attack. I'm sure it will again. Thank you for your kindest of posts.

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Old 13 November 2015, 03:23 PM   #5
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Richard: I just saw the video. You ARE blessed! And your wife is right, you WILL have another. Cheer up! You can and will make it happen!!!
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Old 13 November 2015, 03:30 PM   #6
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When I joined this forum I knew I would come across some wonderful individuals but I did not expect to come across fighters such as yourself. At 27, you'd be amazed at the many things I have given up in order to make ends meet and to put food on the table. Things are good now and the hardship is behind me. If I had to choose a life, I'd choose everything all over again regardless of the pain endured at the time.

You're obviously a fighter, here you are telling a story that others aren't as fortunate to do so. As far as the Sub is concerned, never give up. Things always, no matter how hard it seems, get better. You did the right thing by letting it go. If I were you I would look at the Pelagos differently. The Pelagos is a younger, fresher and more adventurous watch. It is the kind of watch a young man with a brand new heart and the desire to explore new horizons would want on his wrist. Perhaps the Pelagos is a breath of fresh air?

Keep fighting and thank you for sharing a wonderful story about strength.
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Old 13 November 2015, 04:18 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by cdmorenot View Post

When I joined this forum I knew I would come across some wonderful individuals but I did not expect to come across fighters such as yourself. At 27, you'd be amazed at the many things I have given up in order to make ends meet and to put food on the table. Things are good now and the hardship is behind me. If I had to choose a life, I'd choose everything all over again regardless of the pain endured at the time.

You're obviously a fighter, here you are telling a story that others aren't as fortunate to do so. As far as the Sub is concerned, never give up. Things always, no matter how hard it seems, get better. You did the right thing by letting it go. If I were you I would look at the Pelagos differently. The Pelagos is a younger, fresher and more adventurous watch. It is the kind of watch a young man with a brand new heart and the desire to explore new horizons would want on his wrist. Perhaps the Pelagos is a breath of fresh air?

Keep fighting and thank you for sharing a wonderful story about strength.

Thank you as well for sharing your story, I'm more fortunate than the majority of people on this planet and I know it, but I'll be damned if I can't see past the "perceived" loss
It all comes down to perception .... I feel a bit silly for bitching.

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Old 13 November 2015, 04:20 PM   #8
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Keep your head up, brother. Sometimes life gives you plateaus but it also gives you valleys. Things will work out for you if you want them to badly enough.
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Old 13 November 2015, 04:22 PM   #9
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Richard....sorry to hear of your health, especially considering your age. I can't imagine how difficult that must be on your family, but glad you are still here. As the Daddy to four kiddos, including 3 beautiful little girls, I know that your wife and daughter are glad to have you and the joy your family brings will ultimately be worth any sacrifice you made.

Personally, I would love to see you get another 16610....I would be willing to donate $100 to your cause if we could get enough members to cover the difference between you selling your Pelagos and what it would take to get another Sub.

Who else is with me??
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Old 13 November 2015, 04:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DocHorton View Post
Richard....sorry to hear of your health, especially considering your age. I can't imagine how difficult that must be on your family, but glad you are still here. As the Daddy to four kiddos, including 3 beautiful little girls, I know that your wife and daughter are glad to have you and the joy your family brings will ultimately be worth any sacrifice you made.

Personally, I would love to see you get another 16610....I would be willing to donate $100 to your cause if we could get enough members to cover the difference between you selling your Pelagos and what it would take to get another Sub.

Who else is with me??
I really hate to say it, but going down that road will very likely get this thread closed.
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Old 13 November 2015, 04:31 PM   #11
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That's a bummer.
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Old 13 November 2015, 04:53 PM   #12
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I think you will be fine Richard I have faith in you.
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Old 13 November 2015, 05:05 PM   #13
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Hi Richard, thanks for sharing your story.
(often the first step to moving on...)
Your concern and feelings of 'loss' are valid because they relate to YOUR reality - not anyone elses.
There is ALWAYS someone else worse off than ourselves but that doesn't stop us being depressed when bad stuff happens. It hurts for a while and then well adjusted people 'bounce-back' and I'm sure you will too.
Family can be a fantastic support when things go wrong IF we allow them to be. You appear to be lucky in that regard.
That Tudor is a damn nice looking watch!
Good Luck.
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Old 13 November 2015, 05:29 PM   #14
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If I were you I'd be counting my blessings that my heart was still ticking. I've been depressed before, but never over something so frivolous. Life's too short to worry about what watch you're wearing, and no sense crying over spilled milk as the old saying goes.
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Old 13 November 2015, 06:40 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by andromeda160 View Post
If I were you I'd be counting my blessings that my heart was still ticking. I've been depressed before, but never over something so frivolous. Life's too short to worry about what watch you're wearing, and no sense crying over spilled milk as the old saying goes.

Yes let's not go to donations for "poor Rich" .... (expat) is correct. I chose to do the deal and I have to live with it, however unpleasant and uncomfortable it may be to me… As someone else said, there's always someone with things worse off than me.

Thanks guys!

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Old 13 November 2015, 07:08 PM   #16
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I agree that things will get better. Thanks for sharing your story. Good days and great days are ahead!
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Old 13 November 2015, 09:56 PM   #17
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I understand your situation and know what it is like not to have the watch you want. I think that you should take a step back. You made the decision to trade. It was at the time the right choice but later, not so much. Wear your Pelagos and enjoy it. It is a great watch. Understand when you can you will move back to the sub. As you know all to well life is short and just take it as it comes.
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Old 13 November 2015, 10:30 PM   #18
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My first good watch was a Speedmaster Pro when I was 21. Then the next year I got the original Snoopy Speedy too, then I got the Moon To Mars Edition, then picked up an older 30th anniversary edition then the Alaska Project edition. I'm pretty sure there was another one too but I can't remember it. I do remember though that every danm one was faulty from new and had to go back to Omega to be fixed (although the second hand 30th was fine) The Alaska Project went back to Omega two times without them fixing the faults then got replaced with an entirely new watch which was also faulty. At this point, disgusted with Omega I sold them all and bought various other watches which I then started flipping.

None of the flipping made me happy. I even got another normal Speedy Pro but it wasn't the same. I realised it was the Snoopy I missed the most. Then two weeks ago I found a NOS unworn original Snoopy edition with super low serial that had been gifted directly from Omega to a VIP and never worn. Needless to say I jumped on it and have been wearing it ever since, finally all is well again.

In between all of this at points I had extreme stress in my life and was very ill at times and also severe financial difficulties due to the recession. I guess the moral of the story is keep trying and eventually when your health is back you can reclaim what will make you happy
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Old 13 November 2015, 10:54 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by TheBluePrince View Post
My first good watch was a Speedmaster Pro when I was 21. Then the next year I got the original Snoopy Speedy too, then I got the Moon To Mars Edition, then picked up an older 30th anniversary edition then the Alaska Project edition. I'm pretty sure there was another one too but I can't remember it. I do remember though that every danm one was faulty from new and had to go back to Omega to be fixed (although the second hand 30th was fine) The Alaska Project went back to Omega two times without them fixing the faults then got replaced with an entirely new watch which was also faulty. At this point, disgusted with Omega I sold them all and bought various other watches which I then started flipping.
Funny you should say that, EVERY Omega I have ever bought has also been faulty and needed to go back in. I also sold them all and this year bought a new Speedmaster SS, because I missed that one the most and guess what? FAULTY!


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Old 13 November 2015, 11:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by rmurphy View Post
I won't go into a long drawn out post .... It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... However:
As some may know me knows, my health is not good. I've been in the car business for about 18yrs. I've done ok with it. I survived not one but two widow maker heart attacks and was gone from my business for over two years ..... Too sick to work. I got lucky and fought for my life and got lucky enough to be included into a clinical trial in Tampa for an investigational device called the Parachute Implant. It took me from being homebound to back at the office for roughly 25 to 35 hours a week for the last year and a half. I bought a submariner to celebrate it. Since then my health is been in decline again and I've been depressed and I've always reverted to "things" to make me feel better. On my darkest of days slipping my 16610 onto my wrist made me feel good.
For some dumbass reason i'm not long ago thought that I wanted to start flipping to a 16600. I should've done the deal that I had worked out, but I was too picky.
So what did I do I made a deal for a Tudor Pelagos ( nib )
I've had it for a week it's a great watch, comfortable, awesome looking, keeps time as well as any watch I've ever owned but it's not my Sub. I did the deal because I got some cash back that I hate to admit ..... I needed it.
I'm ready to sell my Audi to actually flip back to my 16610 or a 16600 because my wife just doesn't get my watch needs.
It's not like I'm left with a Timex ..... But I am so unhappy. Anyone else made bad flips and not really have the resources to easily change back?
That's hard for me to admit, but with the decline of my health again and my inability to work like an owner of a business needs to work, I'm left feeling kind of beaten.
No Sub and no business and two many debts on the books to come out of it with cash. I won't owe anything but I don't want the Pelagos ..... I want my Sub back.
Here's my story, I'm not looking for pity but what do I do next?

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A watch is simply a material thing. you wont take it with you when you go. i used to think material things would fill that void but let me be frank without trying to offend anyone here. no amount of watches or no watch will actually fill that void. why do you think guys can have a patek, an AP, 5 rolex and still want more? i know you only want your 1 watch back.

that said i hope you get a 16610 again. honestly i think you can do it if you can save up 1,500-2,000.

but remember above all else no matter what anyone says it is just a watch. nothing more.
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Old 13 November 2015, 11:33 PM   #21
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Thank you for sharing your story Richard, you are truly blessed and have a beautiful family. I live in Tampa and it's good to know that such a great facility is right here in my backyard, heart disease runs in my family.

Don't let flipping the Sub get you down, we all do things we wish we could take back. You are still left with a great watch and I know you will get the Sub back one day. Your health and your family should be the most important thing to you right now. Get well soon.
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Old 14 November 2015, 12:28 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by rmurphy View Post
Yes let's not go to donations for "poor Rich" .... (expat) is correct. I chose to do the deal and I have to live with it, however unpleasant and uncomfortable it may be to me… As someone else said, there's always someone with things worse off than me.

Thanks guys!

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You could always sell the Tudor and buy a used date just, explorer or for 500-1000 more possibly a 14060/m submariner.
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Old 14 November 2015, 12:51 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by andromeda160 View Post
You could always sell the Tudor and buy a used date just, explorer or for 500-1000 more possibly a 14060/m submariner.

I probably could ..... Hmmm

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Old 14 November 2015, 12:57 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by rmurphy View Post
I probably could ..... Hmmm

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Old 14 November 2015, 05:42 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by andromeda160 View Post
You could always sell the Tudor and buy a used date just, explorer or for 500-1000 more possibly a 14060/m submariner.

Do you want to buy it? 😳😜🤔. There's no doubt I screwed up and I'm gonna have to eat the loss but .... There are folks who aren't going to live to see tomorrow and I'm tapping away on my iPhone complaining about a watch. A nice watch at that. No it's not my Sub but I'm not starving and I'm not wearing a Michael Kohrs or some trash like that.
I've got to change my perspective on this otherwise it's going to continue to eat me and why in the hell should I let a watch deal eat me? It's not like I had a $60,000 platinum Daytona.

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Old 14 November 2015, 07:29 AM   #26
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I think there are a couple of issues. First is your health and to me that would be the primary concern. I know you may not feel lucky with two MIs of the LAD artery, but the fact that you're still here on TRF and still with your family defies the odds. I can't say I know what it is like to be in your shoes, but I would think that you'll be happiest slapping on practically any watch (Pelagos now) and spending time with your wife and child and doing the things you enjoy.

The second is the actual watch. I don't have any problem with any person liking and buying whatever watch they would like. I doubt anyone here is free from a "why did I sell that?" or "why did I buy that?" moment so you're not alone. You did what you had to do at the time and so trading down served a purpose. And I don't know details about the car but I'm guessing there would be a loss involved with selling the Audi as well.

Remember the feelings you get when you look at a watch on your wrist are feelings that you choose to project onto the watch. They come entirely from you and only you have the power to change them from negative to positive. So now you could look at your Pelagos and think "it's just not my Sub" and feel disappointed. However, you could also look at it and say "getting this watch allowed me to pay for ... and kept my family finances in order." Same watch, different perspective. Best of luck!
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Old 14 November 2015, 08:03 AM   #27
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Wishing you a long healthy life with your beautiful family sir and with a sub on ur wrist soon :)

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Old 14 November 2015, 08:26 AM   #28
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Focus on your health and family like you have been! Keep your head up high! You can always get another Sub...your health and family is most important.
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Old 14 November 2015, 08:41 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by brookish View Post
Funny you should say that, EVERY Omega I have ever bought has also been faulty and needed to go back in. I also sold them all and this year bought a new Speedmaster SS, because I missed that one the most and guess what? FAULTY!

I posted my frustration on the Omega forum on WUS at the time and just basically got abused and caller a liar, lol, great forum that

It's weird as the watch and the movement are the longest serving models in the range by far, you'd have thought they'd have perfected making them by now!

To be fair i've had Rolex come back from RSC service out of COSC specs so i guess every brand has their (bad) day.
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Old 14 November 2015, 09:17 AM   #30
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I nearly quit watches over flipping. I now limit myself to one purchase a year after careful research.

No more flipping.
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