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Old 4 August 2011, 07:18 PM   #1
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Like to know why a thread was closed in an open forum?

I started a thread yesterday asking a simple question of which i think was a perfectly innocent question as i was genuinely interested in knowing what an ADs profit margin was and it has been closed by a moderator. Thus, i cannot reply to people who took the time to reply to my original question and also some people posted some negative comments like why would i want to know and whats it got to do with me?? err hello im a buyer and they are a seller of course i would like to know what they earn..thats not to say i dont think they are entitled to earn as much profit as possible to cover rent overheads etc...but shoot me down if ive asked a cardinal sin of questions...jeez i thought this was an open freedom of speech type of forum...Most ADs are huge companies whose staff i probably know more about rolex then they do so sorry if ive hurt a big corporations feelings by asking what they earn...
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Old 4 August 2011, 07:24 PM   #2
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Question has been done to death...
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Old 4 August 2011, 07:27 PM   #3
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It was closed simply because that question has been asked many times before and many did reply and answer the OP.And what a AD makes is his business he has to make a living just like all of us.

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Old 4 August 2011, 10:34 PM   #4
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have to agree with the op,most topics are repeated on a weekly basis,almost every question could be answered with a search of past posts but that wouldn't make a very lively forum.

what ever the true mark up on a watch, it more than covers their overheads,I find it hard to accept that nearly half of the price of a Rolex or Panerai etc is given to an AD,if having this info helps someone get a better deal on their dream watch then I'm glad this topic comes around on a weekly basis.

not to mention the closing of the thread stopped me answering a post I was quoted in,and wished to reply to.
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Old 5 August 2011, 02:01 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by snog View Post
have to agree with the op,most topics are repeated on a weekly basis,almost every question could be answered with a search of past posts but that wouldn't make a very lively forum.

what ever the true mark up on a watch, it more than covers their overheads,I find it hard to accept that nearly half of the price of a Rolex or Panerai etc is given to an AD,if having this info helps someone get a better deal on their dream watch then I'm glad this topic comes around on a weekly basis.

not to mention the closing of the thread stopped me answering a post I was quoted in,and wished to reply to.
A small business has overhead including rent, cost of interior fixtures and decoration, utilities in phone, Internet etc, insurance, wages, taxes, accounting fees, inventory,marketing/advertising etc etc. This can easily add up to a very significant figure as a percent of revenue. Not to mention that the owner, in taking the financial risk of having the business and work g is entitled to fair compensation.
Think about this type of thing before you automatically assume the AD is making a killing on the watch. Without AD's there would not be a way to purchase one in the first place.
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Old 4 August 2011, 10:24 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Willgotthepower View Post
...jeez i thought this was an open freedom of speech type of forum......
WRONG! You'll find there are many things that can't be discussed on this forum. Political correctness is alive and well here. After all, we don't want to offend anyone do we?
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Old 5 August 2011, 12:14 AM   #7
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Yep....on 7/31 I posted the following thread:

Have you ever been hit on because of your Rolex?

I was at my local espresso shop recently and while the attractive young lady behind the counte steamed my milk, she looked over at me w/ a gleam in her eye, licked her lips suggestively and said: "Wow Dennis, that's a really nice watch!"

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

This thread was shut down and locked by the moderator in a flash. Seems like a legitimate question and thread that would have some funny and interesting answers.

I didn't ask the question why it was shut down, but could only assume somehow it was to risque. Which, seems rediculous considering it simply asking if somebody ever used your watch as the subject of a pickup line.

Addionally, seems extremely bizarre that I could be censored for something that benign, and yet I can go to the "Smiles" and chose an animated "ejaculating monkey"!
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Old 5 August 2011, 12:21 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by drdenn View Post
Yep....on 7/31 I posted the following thread:

Have you ever been hit on because of your Rolex?

I was at my local espresso shop recently and while the attractive young lady behind the counte steamed my milk, she looked over at me w/ a gleam in her eye, licked her lips suggestively and said: "Wow Dennis, that's a really nice watch!"

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

This thread was shut down and locked by the moderator in a flash. Seems like a legitimate question and thread that would have some funny and interesting answers.

I didn't ask the question why it was shut down, but could only assume somehow it was to risque. Which, seems rediculous considering it simply asking if somebody ever used your watch as the subject of a pickup line.

Addionally, seems extremely bizarre that I could be censored for something that benign, and yet I can go to the "Smiles" and chose an animated "ejaculating monkey"!
I've noticed just about anything of a sexual nature goes in the Jokes section but God forbid, don't mention anything that goes click, bang. Ooops, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned God?
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Old 5 August 2011, 12:26 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by never2late View Post
I've noticed just about anything of a sexual nature goes in the Jokes section but God forbid, don't mention anything that goes click, bang. Ooops, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned God?
Yes, but there is no joke in here, and nobody had sex, she just hit on me from behind the counter while making me coffee! Seems like we are all mature enough to deal with this conversation as it's reletively innocent!
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Old 5 August 2011, 12:33 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by drdenn View Post
Yes, but there is no joke in here, and nobody had sex, she just hit on me from behind the counter while making me coffee! Seems like we are all mature enough to deal with this conversation as it's reletively innocent!
Why do you think that she was hitting on you? Maybe she just likes watches. If a male behind the counter had complimented your watch, would you think he was hitting on you too.
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Old 5 August 2011, 05:13 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Stevarn View Post
Why do you think that she was hitting on you? Maybe she just likes watches. If a male behind the counter had complimented your watch, would you think he was hitting on you too.
Clearly not a well thought out question here Stevarn, or perhaps you didn't carefully read my posting. But, the answer to your question re: the a male is: Yes, if he was licking his lips suggestively and clearly flirting with me with a smile and flirtatious tone! Not exactly rocket science here buddy!
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Old 5 August 2011, 01:46 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by drdenn View Post

Addionally, seems extremely bizarre that I could be censored for something that benign, and yet I can go to the "Smiles" and chose an animated "ejaculating monkey"!

so funny
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Old 5 August 2011, 02:05 AM   #13
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re profit margin- its over done. Delving into gross vs net is where it gets interesting.
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Old 5 August 2011, 07:43 AM   #14
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Jason and Diesel. He doesen't look like me but takes after his mother.
He likes Tag's also.
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Old 5 August 2011, 07:58 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by never2late View Post
Jason and Diesel. He doesen't look like me but takes after his mother.
He likes Tag's also.
I actually thought you were joking!!

I know I was.

He's a good looking young man.
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Old 5 August 2011, 09:25 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Willgotthepower View Post
I started a thread yesterday asking a simple question of which i think was a perfectly innocent question as i was genuinely interested in knowing what an ADs profit margin was and it has been closed by a moderator. Thus, i cannot reply to people who took the time to reply to my original question and also some people posted some negative comments like why would i want to know and whats it got to do with me?? err hello im a buyer and they are a seller of course i would like to know what they earn..thats not to say i dont think they are entitled to earn as much profit as possible to cover rent overheads etc...but shoot me down if ive asked a cardinal sin of questions...jeez i thought this was an open freedom of speech type of forum...Most ADs are huge companies whose staff i probably know more about rolex then they do so sorry if ive hurt a big corporations feelings by asking what they earn...
A moderators decision is final.....
Threads are only closed for good reason. Some of which are a degrading conversation which always lead to arguments (Where your's was heading). Certain controversial topics like religion or politics , gender or minority discrimination, guns and politics (to name a few), are blocked because there is no end to the disagreements!

The fact that you feel the need to openly question the decision is troublesome in itself!
Do you feel you know best??? Do you think you can do better???
If you have a problem, why not PM the moderator and ask privately!!

Moderation is a necessity here, without it there would not be a structure or cohesion and there would be so many grievances that no-one would stick around to talk watches!! Not to mention the countless hours that goes into the behind the scenes effort to keep this place running!
Ultimately, your topic is one that has always run down the argumentative path, and one that we as moderators know will not only end in arguments, but will not lead to a civil and constructive discussion. Therefore, end of topic!

Originally Posted by drdenn View Post
Yep....on 7/31 I posted the following thread:

Have you ever been hit on because of your Rolex?

I was at my local espresso shop recently and while the attractive young lady behind the counte steamed my milk, she looked over at me w/ a gleam in her eye, licked her lips suggestively and said: "Wow Dennis, that's a really nice watch!"

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

This thread was shut down and locked by the moderator in a flash. Seems like a legitimate question and thread that would have some funny and interesting answers.

I didn't ask the question why it was shut down, but could only assume somehow it was to risque. Which, seems rediculous considering it simply asking if somebody ever used your watch as the subject of a pickup line.

Addionally, seems extremely bizarre that I could be censored for something that benign, and yet I can go to the "Smiles" and chose an animated "ejaculating monkey"!
If that is what you think the monkey is doing, then yes your thread was to "Risqué"!
This is a watch forum, first and foremost, what kind of good constructive banter would come out of that topic??
Please remember we have woman on these boards as well, and when you want to discuss some bawdy action towards you because of a watch, that can be construed as chauvanism...
Again, a moderators choice is not always easy, but it is a necessity. Either accept you don't have free rain on any and all topics, or move on to a forum that has no boundaries and see how long it takes for you to get abused verbally for no other reason than someone does not agree with your view!

Originally Posted by never2late View Post
I've noticed just about anything of a sexual nature goes in the Jokes section but God forbid, don't mention anything that goes click, bang. Ooops, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned God?
Jokes play a fine line, but are also monitored!! Don't think anything goes in here!

This forum is all about watches and a shared interest!!
We want to keep this place happy and friendly for all involved...
In order for this to happen, moderation needs to step in from time to time.
Get over the free will you think you have and accept the fact that you are here posting as a privilege, not a right!

We have a wonderful community here and the moderation wishes to keep it that way.

Now, if it's OK with a few of you, this thread is now closed!
If you don't agree, PM me and we'll see who gets the last word!
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