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Old 8 April 2012, 04:46 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Real Name: Greg
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Posts: 609
App suggestion

Given the many " is my watch real " posts recently , and one recent one where I still can't tell the difference even after having it pointed out to me , here is a suggestion for an app.

A fake watch recognizer ( okay a better name needed )

1. Choose a watch from a list - I guess the most common ones would be first
2. Take a pic of the watch you are unsure about ( you could use the superimposed outline to get the right view )
3. With the ability of augmented reality , fuzzy logic and all the other fancy terms , surely there must be enough processing power to at least give a % certainty of how real it is

Anyone interested in developing it ? Feel free to send me a royalty cheque from your first million
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