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Old 17 March 2017, 01:14 AM   #1
Classique Breguet
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WARNING: xxxx NOT to be trusted

I mailed a set of 16610LV hands to xxx xxx in Australia.

He claimed one of the hands (hour hand) was missing in the shipment. I am 100% certain all 3 hands were in the same sealed ziplock bag, which was securely taped closed and surrounded by thick cardboard, in a sealed package. It is just not very likely that someone would have opened the package during shipment and only stolen one hand.

He may have scammed me, but lets not let him scam anyone else!

I have 100% feedback on WUS, rolexforums, over 900 on ebay, etc. I have bought and sold tens of thousands of dollars of watch stuff last year, including 4 rolexes here, but the last 3 small transactions I've had on Rolex forums dealing out of the country have had problems. Two said they did not receive the packages (but refused to pay for shipping with tracking) until I threatened to post about the situation here, then they magically arrived within 1 day.

We have to try to stop this. The least we can do is force the scammers to have to change contact information every time...

If the buyer is not willing to pay for tracking, they can claim it was never received. In my case, buyer is claiming one of three hands is missing, there is not much I can do to defend myself from this, but I can warn all of you that this person is NOT to be trusted ever again!

Last edited by Old Expat Beast; 17 March 2017 at 02:42 PM..
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:24 AM   #2
Classique Breguet
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I have already had other members PM me (which will stay private unless they intend otherwise) who have had other "strange" contacts with this individual.

Seems I'm not the only one.

This is what makes this community great.
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Old 17 March 2017, 08:33 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
I have already had other members PM me (which will stay private unless they intend otherwise) who have had other "strange" contacts with this individual.

Seems I'm not the only one.

This is what makes this community great.
I wonder how many "other members" are?
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:25 AM   #4
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Is he/she/it a member here?
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:31 AM   #5
Classique Breguet
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No, but I have had PMs saying they were contacted by this person while advertising on this site probing them to see if they would easily fall prey to a scam, so our members are being targeted.
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Old 17 March 2017, 06:38 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
No, but I have had PMs saying they were contacted by this person while advertising on this site probing them to see if they would easily fall prey to a scam, so our members are being targeted.
Turns out he has been a TRF member much longer then you.
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:44 AM   #7
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Also, since tracking is all but a few extra dollars. Best for seller to pay for tracking if buyer will not. It leaves out any denial from buyer and may protect the reputation of both buyer and seller when baseless alligations occur. Just a thought.
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:50 AM   #8
Classique Breguet
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Originally Posted by Dishpro01 View Post
Also, since tracking is all but a few extra dollars. Best for seller to pay for tracking if buyer will not. It leaves out any denial from buyer and may protect the reputation of both buyer and seller when baseless alligations occur. Just a thought.
Agreed. In this case, I had a funny feeling about this guy so I forced him to pay paypal gift. I assume he really needed the hands. Likely had a bad hand, likely the one he claimed was "missing" from the package.

At first he balked, but then agreed. Since it was paypal gift, and I emailed him photos of the package being left at the post office, seemed everything was fine. This morning I get a message that the package arrived, but one hand was "missing"

What has saved me in the past was "secretly" videotaping placing an expensive watch in the box, then sealing the box and handing it over to FEDX in one take, with the product never off camera, etc. I only revealed this video to paypal after the buyer claimed damage or some other B.S. I did not do that in this case because the value was only $280. Lesson learned though.

There is a growing number of scammers on the internet and the scams are getting more clever so we must work together to protect ourselves as much as possible.
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Old 17 March 2017, 03:52 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
Agreed. In this case, I had a funny feeling about this guy so I forced him to pay paypal gift. I assume he really needed the hands. Likely had a bad hand, likely the one he claimed was "missing" from the package.

At first he balked, but then agreed. Since it was paypal gift, and I emailed him photos of the package being left at the post office, seemed everything was fine. This morning I get a message that the package arrived, but one hand was "missing"

What has saved me in the past was "secretly" videotaping placing an expensive watch in the box, then sealing the box and handing it over to FEDX in one take, with the product never off camera, etc. I only revealed this video to paypal after the buyer claimed damage or some other B.S. I did not do that in this case because the value was only $280. Lesson learned though.

There is a growing number of scammers on the internet and the scams are getting more clever so we must work together to protect ourselves as much as possible.
Yea, I agree 100%. I was just stating what I usually do when buyer wont pay for tracking. There are way to many people out to scam honest people. It seems like it's been alot worse lately. I love that you take that video just in case.
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:02 AM   #10
Knappo 1307
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Originally Posted by Dishpro01 View Post
Also, since tracking is all but a few extra dollars. Best for seller to pay for tracking if buyer will not. It leaves out any denial from buyer and may protect the reputation of both buyer and seller when baseless alligations occur. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by Dishpro01 View Post
Yea, I agree 100%. I was just stating what I usually do when buyer wont pay for tracking. There are way to many people out to scam honest people. It seems like it's been alot worse lately. I love that you take that video just in case.
Tracking is included if you insure the package. Even if you don't insure the package, to pay for tracking is only like $1.50. Why would you even bring it up to a buyer to pay for tracking? Tracking the package is on the seller anyway, if it doesn't show up, the buyer just makes a claim with whomever. Just because you provide a tracking number as a seller, doesn't mean a buyer can't claim something is missing or broke.....
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Old 17 March 2017, 10:15 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
Agreed. In this case, I had a funny feeling about this guy so I forced him to pay paypal gift. I assume he really needed the hands. Likely had a bad hand, likely the one he claimed was "missing" from the package.

At first he balked, but then agreed. Since it was paypal gift, and I emailed him photos of the package being left at the post office, seemed everything was fine. This morning I get a message that the package arrived, but one hand was "missing"

What has saved me in the past was "secretly" videotaping placing an expensive watch in the box, then sealing the box and handing it over to FEDX in one take, with the product never off camera, etc. I only revealed this video to paypal after the buyer claimed damage or some other B.S. I did not do that in this case because the value was only $280. Lesson learned though.

There is a growing number of scammers on the internet and the scams are getting more clever so we must work together to protect ourselves as much as possible.
Another reason not to take Paypal. It just isn't worth the drama with Paypal.
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:52 AM   #12
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I guess he cant do a false claim if paid by Paypal gift??
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Old 17 March 2017, 02:54 AM   #13
Classique Breguet
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Can't make a claim against paypal, but that did not stop him from trying directly with me. I think he figured there was no cost to trying, but he did not consider I am not afraid of speaking what I think is the truth here.

Given I am not the only one, there is a pattern here. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...
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Old 17 March 2017, 04:10 AM   #14
Classique Breguet
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Worth noting: I think it is VERY important not to reveal to the buyer that you have this video until AFTER they claim something easily provable by the existence of the video.
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Old 17 March 2017, 04:52 AM   #15
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I have just woken up here in sydney to find this thread accusing me of being a scammer. I have never scammed anybody.

If I was a scammer then why would I agree to pay with PayPal gift when I have no recourse or insurance?

There is a misunderstanding here. I will look through the packet again more closely but it is not appropriate to jumpnl to conclusions and label me a scammer. There must be a logical explanation to this.
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Old 17 March 2017, 04:55 AM   #16
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Curious. Did you try any discussion with the buyer prior to assuming and posting its a "scam"?
What efforts did you put into resolving this prior to posting here?

Just curious
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Last edited by Old Expat Beast; 17 March 2017 at 02:43 PM..
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Old 17 March 2017, 04:55 AM   #17
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What other members have I tried to scam?!?

I live in Australia so I am ultra cautious when we I buy anything as getting a refund if anything goes wrong is impossible when I buy from overseas.

I have bought and sold multiple rolexes, a dornbluth and sohn, a muhle glashutte, an Iwc 3707 from watchuseek and eBay and timezone. This is an unfair assassination of my character.
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:02 AM   #18
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what kind of scammer would pay via paypal gift to scam some hands?? It's not worth it. Surely I'd scam something worth more than $100! And what donyoubthink the endgame is for me here- to post you back the two hands that arrived and hope that you refund my payment without any way of me forcing you to? And for what- so I can scam you out of an hour hand that is absolutely useless on its own. This is ridiculous.

Please email me personally to sort things out rather than bad mouth me in a public forum. I have never been labelled a scammer before and I am very annoyed about this.
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:23 AM   #19
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i am sure that it can all be sorted out in this thread.

If it turns out to be a mistake then the mods can delete the thread and its a case of no harm no foul.

he has 103 published medical papers! must be the smartest scammer ever
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:30 AM   #20
Classique Breguet
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Originally Posted by artschool View Post
i am sure that it can all be sorted out in this thread.

If it turns out to be a mistake then the mods can delete the thread and its a case of no harm no foul.

he has 103 published medical papers! must be the smartest scammer ever

If it turns out to be a mistake then the mods can delete the thread and its a case of no harm no foul. <--- Agreed.

And I had a 4.0 at Stanford University, have 7 current patents...products in every major chain in the world and Walmart....does this mean I am too smart to not be capable of scamming??
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:32 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
If it turns out to be a mistake then the mods can delete the thread and its a case of no harm no foul. <--- Agreed.

And I have 7 patents...products in every major pet chain in the world and Walmart....
i don't think anyones doubting you!

maybe the hand is just stuck in a fold in the packaging?
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by artschool View Post
i don't think anyones doubting you!

maybe the hand is just stuck in a fold in the packaging?

I would hope so, again, if so, I will immediately say so if he finds it, apologize for my mistake, and the mods can then delete this thread.
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Old 17 March 2017, 06:14 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
I would hope so, again, if so, I will immediately say so if he finds it, apologize for my mistake, and the mods can then delete this thread.

You are proving my point: WHY POST HE'S A SCAMMER if you. don't. know?

Why not wait and see? He has as much right (though he probably wouldn't because of scruples) to come on here and accuse you. But he didn't.

Again, your actions of vilify then verify make me know who I'm going to do my next $250 deal with.

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Old 17 March 2017, 06:57 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
"My wife is a doctor as well, graduated top of her class at Stanford medical"..."I am a business owner...a multi millionaire.(easily verifiable as well)"
Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
"And I had a 4.0 at Stanford University, have 7 current patents...products in every major chain in the world and Walmart"
And you sell watch hands?
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Old 17 March 2017, 07:01 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by TheRolexKingofLV View Post
And you sell watch hands?
That's how he makes multi million dollars.
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Old 17 March 2017, 07:04 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by MonBK View Post
That's how he makes multi million dollars.

You didn't think it was on cat food, did you?
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:27 AM   #27
Classique Breguet
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1st, being a doctor does not equate to being above scamming. I know a doctor who specializes in catching scamming doctors. My wife is a doctor as well, graduated top of her class at Stanford medical. I know probably 100 doctors, several of which I would not do business with and several more I would not want to "practice" on anyone I cared about. I am a business owner, a multi millionaire, (easily verifiable as well) and do not tolerate myself being accused of lying or scamming.

The reason I am so pissed and hypersensitive / hyper vigilant is the last two transactions I had which originated from rolex forums had problems. Both claimed nondelivery were international transactions for smaller items and were shipped us postal international which does not have tracking once it leaves the USA. I will never do this again. In BOTH cases, the items were "delivered" the day after I explained clearly I was going to post here my experience, not that I could prove that they did or did not get their packages, but that I had this situation, and if it were to be revealed as a pattern, members would know to be wary.

He has now contacted me, and will check to see if the missing hand is in the package. If it is, then I will immediately confess to my mistake of jumping the gun. If not, I will stick to simply telling my side as it happened. Fact is he emailed me saying one of three hands was missing from a sealed envelope. Opinions may differ how this happened, but I am not one to stand for being accused of not delivering what was promised and what I know 100% was in the package when sent.

So, yes, it is very possible I have jumped the gun here. The facts I am working with are: received an email saying one hand was missing. To me, this is an accusation there were only 2 of 3 hands sent. I sent email back 7 hours with no response before posting here. Of course given he is on the other side of the world, he could have easily missed it while sleeping.
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Old 17 March 2017, 05:50 AM   #28
Knappo 1307
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
1st, being a doctor does not equate to being above scamming. I know a doctor who specializes in catching scamming doctors. My wife is a doctor as well, graduated top of her class at Stanford medical. I know probably 100 doctors, several of which I would not do business with and several more I would not want to "practice" on anyone I cared about. I am a business owner, a multi millionaire, (easily verifiable as well) and do not tolerate myself being accused of lying or scamming.

The reason I am so pissed and hypersensitive / hyper vigilant is the last two transactions I had which originated from rolex forums had problems. Both claimed nondelivery were international transactions for smaller items and were shipped us postal international which does not have tracking once it leaves the USA. I will never do this again. In BOTH cases, the items were "delivered" the day after I explained clearly I was going to post here my experience, not that I could prove that they did or did not get their packages, but that I had this situation, and if it were to be revealed as a pattern, members would know to be wary.

He has now contacted me, and will check to see if the missing hand is in the package. If it is, then I will immediately confess to my mistake of jumping the gun. If not, I will stick to simply telling my side as it happened. Fact is he emailed me saying one of three hands was missing from a sealed envelope. Opinions may differ how this happened, but I am not one to stand for being accused of not delivering what was promised and what I know 100% was in the package when sent.

So, yes, it is very possible I have jumped the gun here. The facts I am working with are: received an email saying one hand was missing. To me, this is an accusation there were only 2 of 3 hands sent. I sent email back 7 hours with no response before posting here. Of course given he is on the other side of the world, he could have easily missed it while sleeping.
This isn't a TRF problem.. And if you think it is, maybe you should take your millions and move on....
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Old 17 March 2017, 06:33 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Knappo 1307 View Post
This isn't a TRF problem.. And if you think it is, maybe you should take your millions and move on....
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Old 17 March 2017, 08:54 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Classique Breguet View Post
1st, being a doctor does not equate to being above scamming. I know a doctor who specializes in catching scamming doctors. My wife is a doctor as well, graduated top of her class at Stanford medical. I know probably 100 doctors, several of which I would not do business with and several more I would not want to "practice" on anyone I cared about. I am a business owner, a multi millionaire, (easily verifiable as well) and do not tolerate myself being accused of lying or scamming.

The reason I am so pissed and hypersensitive / hyper vigilant is the last two transactions I had which originated from rolex forums had problems. Both claimed nondelivery were international transactions for smaller items and were shipped us postal international which does not have tracking once it leaves the USA. I will never do this again. In BOTH cases, the items were "delivered" the day after I explained clearly I was going to post here my experience, not that I could prove that they did or did not get their packages, but that I had this situation, and if it were to be revealed as a pattern, members would know to be wary.

He has now contacted me, and will check to see if the missing hand is in the package. If it is, then I will immediately confess to my mistake of jumping the gun. If not, I will stick to simply telling my side as it happened. Fact is he emailed me saying one of three hands was missing from a sealed envelope. Opinions may differ how this happened, but I am not one to stand for being accused of not delivering what was promised and what I know 100% was in the package when sent.

So, yes, it is very possible I have jumped the gun here. The facts I am working with are: received an email saying one hand was missing. To me, this is an accusation there were only 2 of 3 hands sent. I sent email back 7 hours with no response before posting here. Of course given he is on the other side of the world, he could have easily missed it while sleeping.
He's about 11 time zones away and you think 7 hours is a fair time to wait before blasting the guy on a public forum? That's ridiculously short for a buyer on the other side of the planet. You couldn't wait a day for the emails to catch up to the time difference?
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