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Old 27 April 2017, 08:21 AM   #1
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An Unbiased Positive Review of David SW

Back in December, a buddy of mine and I bought two Skydwellers and a submariner from the venerable DavidSW.

Having heard so much about him prior to, I'm not sure what I was expecting. A diet coke? A free watch? Some insane TRF discount?

The reality, as it unfolded, was an expectedly professional and smooth transaction.

I first emailed him and found him to be prompt but terse in his responses. I know a dealer here in NY who told me that he receives some 300 emails/texts a day. I'd imagine that it is difficult to stay on top of this type of volume.

I quickly pared down my inquiries with a "just the facts" approach. When I got him on the phone, I was surprised to hear he has an accent. He's from Trinidad originally I believe. I figured someone named David Williams from South Florida, if anything, would have a Southern drawl. On the phone, predictably enough, he's much more communicative than in emails and has a friendly personality.

We agreed to a price and everything went as planned. The wire hit, the next day the watches were sent and a snowstorm delayed the arrival by a day iirc.

My Skydweller's card was dated 8/2016 for my 12/2016 purchase which was not unexpected and my buddy's was closer to the actual date.

The one small hiccup was that the card on my watch was made out in my friend's name, not mine. The reason for this became a source of friendly debate. I could tell that David is pretty anal about staying on top of things and seemed annoyed at himself for making a mistake. Facts were, that the info ended up on a different thread of emails than the rest so the mild mix up was more than understandable. I mailed him the card back and roughly six weeks later, got a new warranty card with my name on it. An impressive feat.

I can certainly add my name to the list of satisfied customers and would not hesitate to buy from him again.
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