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Old 5 May 2017, 09:20 AM   #1
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Suggestion to help deal with old threads resurrected

Hi Moderators, thank you for doing the thankless job you are doing.

(Used to be a moderator myself on a local motorcycling forum in the past, which due to the nature of the motorcycling hobby, had an interesting mix of members and a bit of a challenge to moderate.)


I see here quite often that a thread is resurrected from the past, sometimes way past, by a newbie or ... and then people start posting their opinions in it without checking the date of the original post.

This is actually the main difference I see in this forum vs. motorcycling and car forums... in those forums a thread is usually a discussion and people tend to read all of the thread before posting their input... but here, again due to the nature of the forum in the main discussion section, most people just pop in, read the first post, put their opinion and get out. So even though someone has pointed out before them that this is an old thread, they still dive in with their input and sometimes even ask questions that the OP has already dealt with and answered two pages before.

My suggestion is to change the color of the posts (or at least the original starting post) as it gets older than say 2 months. Say after a month, turn the background color of the original post to yellow, after 2 months make it orange, after 3 months make it read.

Another possibility is to have the threads lock automatically after they are 6 months or more old. They are still part of the database and a search will find them, but won't be able to be resurrected by a quick reply of 'looks great, congrats !' post from someone who did a search and happened to come across it.

Just food for thought.

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Old 5 May 2017, 09:29 AM   #2
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I guess I'm in the minority but I don't see a problem with resurrected threads. Usually the topic is still of interest. And if not, I just move on. YMMV.
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Old 5 May 2017, 09:48 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by locutus49 View Post
I guess I'm in the minority but I don't see a problem with resurrected threads. Usually the topic is still of interest. And if not, I just move on. YMMV.
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Old 6 May 2017, 09:51 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by locutus49 View Post
I guess I'm in the minority but I don't see a problem with resurrected threads. Usually the topic is still of interest. And if not, I just move on. YMMV.

Probably not in the minority... a lot of people including myself like the old resurrected threads and new info on them. I just find that 'knowing' it is a resurrected thread might help, hence the suggestion of changing the colors.

I just find it interesting, more so funny, that a thread started a long time ago, member asked whether to sell a gold watch or not, then months later resurrected it to say he ended up doing it (wonderful resurrection, ), then another member reads the first post and comes back replying to the original post, not even knowing it is a continued story from the past.

here is an example from earlier today:

Color change, or something that would identify the original post as a few months old, would give the new contributors a heads up.

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Old 5 May 2017, 11:18 AM   #5
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I kind of like new perspective on old threads, reading through them seeing how views, prices, etc have changed.
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Old 24 May 2017, 03:07 AM   #6
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holy mother of resurrection from 2014, and people answering the op's question!

Seems like it was resurrected twice, once in Sept 2016, and once again now.

A background color change from normal grey to say light beige color in the two year old posts would show people that the op's post date was old, and that the thread was resurrected. Then they might have looked for the resurrection post and reply to it instead of the op.

Food for thought.

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