21 August 2008, 12:27 PM | #1 |
Join Date: Nov 2005
Real Name: Steve
Location: Omnipresent
Posts: 33,639
Buyer/Seller "Who's Who"?!?! Rules MUST READ
Welcome to a place where you can find and discuss with your fellow members and share your knowledge and experiences about particular individual buyer/seller and watch dealers. Hopefully you will be able to relate a lot of positive experiences.
Rules to obey: 1. By posting here, you agree that others may contact you regarding your post, including to verify the accuracy of any information you post. 2. Shilling and false or exaggerated posts are strictly prohibited. You may not post in relation to any seller or buyer who you have any direct or indirect financial or business interest or association (such as if you are the employee of an e-bay seller). 3. Posts that do not otherwise comply with the general Rolex Forums guidelines and rules shall at the moderation team's final discretion be removed, together with any other action that may be considered appropriate. No name calling or insults. If you've had a bad experience with delays, postponements or cancellations please just state the facts as you see them. 4. This forum and its contents is subject to modification/change/deletion at the sole discretion of the moderators/administrators. Please remember, you do not own your posts/threads they will be subject to moderators/administrators veto. 5. The forum makes no statement express, implied or otherwise as to the accuracy of any fact or matter whatsoever stated in any of the posts/threads in this forum, and each person is responsible for making their own independent enquiries and making any decision to buy or sell without any entitlement to rely upon any matter stated on this forum in the event that they may suffer loss or damage.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~Abraham Lincoln Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride. ~John F. Kennedy ROLEXploitation - yeah I'm a victim |
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