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Old 18 January 2011, 06:04 AM   #1
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Newbie Speedmaster Questions

Hello and thanks for taking my questions.
I'm interested in either a 3570 (Hesalite) or 3573 (Sapphire sandwich) watch.
First off, this will be a daily use watch at work so it needs to be fairly durable/reliable.
Now to my

1. I've heard and read conflicting reports on the Hesalite scratch and polish-ability ie,
some say most scratches can be easily buffed out, some say the Hesalite doesn't look
as clear or original after being buffed ie. the scratches will always leave a "look" afterwards. Where do those of you who've polished stand?

2. The cost of replacing Hesalite vs. Sapphire? Posts I've seen are approx. $100 vs. $500. Is that about right for the total cost of replacement?

3. Magnetic shielding. I work in an environment with some magnetic fields (Boeing cockpit) and am wondering about the shielding of the 3570 vs. the glass of the 3573.
Some have said the shielding doesn't really matter because the face is relatively unshielded anyway.
Does anyone have a comparison of the shielded metal vs. non-shielded glass backs?

4. De-magnetizing. Anyone have any experience with having the watch de-magnetized?
Cost and how did you know it was magnetized ie. how far off did the accuracy get to alert you there was a problem?

5. Accuracy. A friend of mine has a 3573 that is off about 6 seconds/day. Since the mechanical 3570/73 aren't certified chronometers, is this within expectations?
A little disappointing to me. Have also read where the watch can be adjusted to be more accurate. Any information on accuracy adjustments for these models?

6. Your recommendations for my daily use? The stores are recommending the 3573 (Sapphire) due to its scratch resistance. (and
I'm thinking I'd rather have something I can personally polish ie. fix, and will be cheaper to replace the crystal if I really whack it
plus the metal back may protect accuracy in my semi-magnetic work environment.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Old 18 January 2011, 06:28 AM   #2
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Hey Mate,

The 3570 with the hesalite crystal is the watch I had and initially I was somewhat disappointed with how easily the crystal scratches. These scratches were Little scratches like you get from cloth etc.

I tried a few things like car polish etc and they would never go completely, then one day I dropped the watch and the crystal was marked. (Not deep but enough to cause concern.) The car polish couldn't remove them. I bit the bullet and ordered some Polywatch. Within minutes the crystal was like new, better than it had for a while.

There was no evidence of fine hairline scratches and it was crystal clear under a 10x loupe. Don't worry too much about the hesalite as it is easily fixed, mind you if it was Sapphire crystal it wouldn't have scratched and most likely would have broken. So what do you buy.

A lot of mechanical watches are within COSC specs and some just out but if 6 seconds concerns you it might be worth looking at some sought of Breitling superquartz.

I think the best bet is try both watches and see which one really appeals to yourself. Don't worry about the crystal as there are fors and against for both, it really depends if your a guy who likes to maintain his watch looks or someone who just wants to wear it.

Anyhow good luck with the choice, either watch is a winner.

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Old 18 January 2011, 04:23 PM   #3
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Thanks Aaron
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Old 18 January 2011, 10:09 PM   #4
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as for the shielding,the good thing about the speedy,it has landed on the moon,your cockpit should be a breeze compared to that
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Old 18 January 2011, 10:59 PM   #5
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Get the Speedy Pro (3570.50). I have had one for 3+ years now. Love it. Hesalite crystal scratches, but easily buffs out with a little Polywatch.

My Speedy Pro became magnetized (how, I don't know). I knew this because it started gaining 20-30 minutes a day (something crazy). I bought a pocket compass and passed it across the face of the watch; since it moved the compass needle, I knew it was magnetized. Took it to my local watchmaker and he de-magnetized it for free (just ran it across/behind some machine and voila, good as new).

I love the warm glow that Hesalite gives the dial on sunny days. Just something about it that I prefer over saphire. I also believe (as of 2010) that replacing the Hesalite runs about $30.

I switch between my Speedy Pro and Submariner every couple of weeks or so. That said, you can wear the Speedy Pro everyday and not have any problems.

My accuracy is about +2 sec/day. When I wear it, I never take it off; I work with it in the yard, slept with it at night, take a shower with it. I have even gone swimming with it, although that's what the Submariner is for... lol.

Buying new/pre-loved is the real decision. I bought mine new since I knew I would never flip it. Had I bought it pre-loved, I would have saved some money and still loved the watch just as much.

Whatever you do, you will not regret the Speedmaster Professional; it is one heck of a watch. Use it for work, play or a night out on the town.

Good luck.
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Old 18 January 2011, 11:19 PM   #6
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I've had my Speedy pro 3570 for about three weeks. I ordered some "polywatch" but haven't had the need to use it yet. It is a beautiful time piece. I've admired it for years and finally bought it. I bought it from an AD with a substantial discount and haven't taken it off yet- it's making my Sub Date and GMT IIC jealous, but they'll just have to wait. My only complaint is that it is running +7sec. / 24 hours but it can be easily regulated. I'll wait a couple of months to break it in before I take it in. I called the Omega Boutique in NY and spoke to a technician and he said that they will do it while I wait under the warranty. I recommend it very highly. If you get it new from an AD, negotiate for a discount, and if you are buying it pre-owned, remember buy the seller as their are many fakes of this watch.
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Old 19 January 2011, 02:55 AM   #7
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Thanks for the replies.
That's interesting that the boutique offered to regulate/improve a +7sec under warranty.
And you didn't buy it from them, just another AD correct?
That will be my situation, an AD with a boutique also in the area.
Good to know because I've heard Swatch can take some time, thanks.
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Old 19 January 2011, 02:06 PM   #8
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Where can I get some polywatch Aaron?
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Old 27 January 2011, 06:10 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by jaffa_cree View Post
Where can I get some polywatch Aaron?
Hey Jim,

Sorry I didn't see your question earlier.

Polywatch is available in Australia, simply type it in Google for your nearest distributor. I think Ryda Car Sound in Sydney might be your closest. I used a local mob

Cost is approx $12-$14. (Be careful though as you will polish everything)
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Old 20 January 2011, 03:16 PM   #10
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I have had my speedy pro for about 4 months now and love it. I smacked the watch on a door and scratched my hesalite and lived with the scratch for a week, as my polywatch was being shipped. With one application the scratch was completely gone, 100% satisfied. In terms of accuracy if I wind the watch twice a day it is slow -4 secconds. But if I let the watch run the entire day without winding it, its about +4 fast. Kind of interesting
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Old 20 January 2011, 03:22 PM   #11
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Thanks, interesting, my 3570 is enroute......
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