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Old 11 November 2008, 05:14 AM   #1
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"Time Investor"

Two questions;

1. My 16610 was purchased pre-owned and the warranty is through "Time Investor" a company based in Alabama, anyone had experience with this company - service/purchase/reputation?

2. Because I have found my watch to be, consistently, +7-8 seconds per day I contacted them. They said my warranty covers the adjustment to bring it within the Rolex spec and if/when I send it they will do a COA (Clean, Oil, Adjust) and return it to me at their cost.

What have others found to be the best/safest shipping method/company if/when needing to ship their watches?

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Old 11 November 2008, 05:38 AM   #2
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USPS registered mail is 100% garanteed by the Goverment. If ever it gets lost or stolen, they will refund you within 3 months.

As to he Time investors question, I have not dealt with them. If you bought the watch from them and they shipped it to you, I see no reason why they would look to screw you now. I, personally would just wait until you have to get it serviced by RSC and ask them to regulate it at the same time. 7 seconds is not the end of the world.

You may also want to try to check your watch after a week or two and a full wind (40 spins).

Goodluck with whatever you decide to do.
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Old 11 November 2008, 07:11 AM   #3
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Just want it "perfect"

Originally Posted by joeskie View Post
USPS registered mail is 100% garanteed by the Goverment. If ever it gets lost or stolen, they will refund you within 3 months.

As to he Time investors question, I have not dealt with them. If you bought the watch from them and they shipped it to you, I see no reason why they would look to screw you now. I, personally would just wait until you have to get it serviced by RSC and ask them to regulate it at the same time. 7 seconds is not the end of the world.

You may also want to try to check your watch after a week or two and a full wind (40 spins).

Goodluck with whatever you decide to do.
Just my "OCD"ness flaring up - if a Rolex is supposed to, along with all the other impressive specs, keep time within a certain standard I want MY Rolex to meet that standard. Got it in July and since then have tried all the "tricks" - making sure it's fully wound, resting on the side crown up at night, checking it against a dependable time source ( etc... and over the 100+ plus days I've had it, doing all those things, the variance has been constant at plus 7-8 seconds per day. It also perturbs me a little that they didn't adjust that before I got it but, as pre-owned, maybe the wearing habits of the original owner were different from mine and I appreciate their offer to take care of it now.

The watch is, according to the S/N, about 5 years old so my inclination is/was to send it to an RSC for that "5 year" service but if I do it will cost me, I understand, several hundred dollars while that service is already covered by the warranty I have with Time Investor. Hard to get that one approved by the Minister of Finance (wife) when we have already paid for it in the watch purchase.

The real issue is that I don't want to be without it for the 14 or so days it will take to send and get it back. Certainly going to wait until after the holidays as, with the whole family together, my brothers/brother in laws will all be checking out each other's wrists to see if there are any new "additions" and I don't want to miss my chance to show off the Sub! Maybe by that time I will have convinced myself to just live with the time gain.

Thanks for the reply!
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Old 11 November 2008, 05:41 AM   #4
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USPS Registered Mail....
If you were to send it to Rolex that is the only way they would accept
the package....
It takes a few days longer than regular mail BUT your package is
under lock and key all the time, anyone who handles it has to sign
a log
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