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Old 6 August 2007, 11:28 PM   #1
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Fun AD visit/Passed up a good GMT deal

While on a road trip this weekend I stopped into an AD to do some looking. The very attractive and friendly Blonde that waited on me and my dad made for a most excellent experience. I tried on a "pepsi" GMT although I haven't really had this watch on my radar screen. I am now intrigued with the GMT, but I am just not wild about the red/blue bezel. In any case, we asked about a "deal" and she came back with an offer of 4950.00 out the door which I thought was pretty good. I really think though that if I offered 4800, they would have taken it. It's a bit of a dilemma, but I know I prefer the newer one with the black bezel which they did not have. I just hate to think what it will cost versus this one, but I can't pay 5K for something I am not floored with you know? Until this point I really thought I would have to have a Sub, but the GMT knocked me for one hell of a loop out of nowhere. Also got to see a LV Sub, but just can't handle the green. Dad loved it though....

So a couple of questions if you don't mind.....

Can someone tell me what the new steel/black GMT is running, and can it be had before the increase? The target for my first Rolex purchase has been about 16 months out from now, but I can't stand it anymore........something new will be on my wrist soon I am afraid, but it must be the "perfect" choice.

If I were to get the red blue, how difficult is it to have a Rolex red/black insert put in and at what cost out of curiosity? I don’t mind the money to be happy, but don't know anything about insert replacements. Are these readily available? I am confident that I would like the red/black combo however. and am considering this as an option. I am sure If I called them back I could get the same deal.

Would sure appreciate your feedback everyone,

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Old 6 August 2007, 11:36 PM   #2
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$5950 for the new SS GMT II. $8950 for the TT GMT II.

Not too many ADs giving discounts at all for the new SS GMT II (though one forum member did get a great discount). For the TT GMT II many ADs are giving 5% - 10% discounts.

It is very difficult to find/buy original bezel insert for the old style GMT IIs. The RSC as well will not sell them or swap them out, unless it for a full service and the bezel needs replaced along with the watch being serviced. So if you buy a Pepsi GMT II, you may be able to swap out for a different color bezel 4-5 years down the road when you have the watch serviced.
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Old 6 August 2007, 11:46 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Brushpup View Post
Can someone tell me what the new steel/black GMT is running, and can it be had before the increase? The target for my first Rolex purchase has been about 16 months out from now, but I can't stand it anymore........something new will be on my wrist soon I am afraid, but it must be the "perfect" choice.
There have been reported various "time-keeping results" from owners of the new GMT II (Ref. 116710) here. I remember one member (cannot remember his nick here) posting that his new GMT II was going 4 seconds slow per day.
But "MIKE" here, who also has the new GMT II, posted that during 7 days, his new GMT II was SPOT ON! The Cal. 3186 of the new GMT II has the "parachrom bleu" hairspring and this hairspring is 100 % antimagnetizable plus virtually NO temperature changes can effect this hairspring.

If I were to get the red blue, how difficult is it to have a Rolex red/black insert put in and at what cost out of curiosity? I don’t mind the money to be happy, but don't know anything about insert replacements. Are these readily available? I am confident that I would like the red/black combo however. and am considering this as an option. I am sure If I called them back I could get the same deal.
You CAN get spare parts, such as the all-black or red/black bezel for the "old" GMT II, but as far as I know, in the USA it is a bit more tricky to come by those spare parts. But I guess that here on TRF you should be able to get a nice bezel by doing a search for it in the "Sales corner" (under "Classifieds"):
With kind regards, Bo

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Old 6 August 2007, 11:46 PM   #4
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Thanks leopard and dweller,

I was afraid of something like that on the bezel situation. Another grand.........still a dillema, but I want to be elated and not just satisfied.

Thanks again,
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Old 6 August 2007, 11:47 PM   #5
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I got the TT GMT II for $8018.00 pre tax $8500.00 with Tax Steep but hey I Love it anyway.
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Old 6 August 2007, 11:56 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Brushpup View Post
Thanks leopard and dweller,

I was afraid of something like that on the bezel situation. Another grand.........still a dillema, but I want to be elated and not just satisfied.

Thanks again,

No problem!

Sorry, I forgot to reply to some of your other questions:

1) The new GMT II does not seem to be "scarce" out there, at least judging from the MANY new owners posting pics of their newly bought GMT II, not only here on TRF but also on various other Rolex forums. So you have a good change of getting one.

2) Now, if you can get one BEFORE the price increase, I cannot say. I even cannot say if there is even going to BE any price increase, since the "foretold" price increase that should come by September or October is still just a rumour. Might be true, might not. At least MY AD cannot confirm those rumours. He says that they (the AD's) don't get the news before the new prices are inaugurated.
With kind regards, Bo

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Old 7 August 2007, 01:23 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Brushpup View Post
While on a road trip this weekend I stopped into an AD to do some looking. The very attractive and friendly Blonde that waited on me and my dad made for a most excellent experience. I tried on a "pepsi" GMT although I haven't really had this watch on my radar screen. I am now intrigued with the GMT, but I am just not wild about the red/blue bezel. In any case, we asked about a "deal" and she came back with an offer of 4950.00 out the door which I thought was pretty good. I really think though that if I offered 4800, they would have taken it. It's a bit of a dilemma, but I know I prefer the newer one with the black bezel which they did not have. I just hate to think what it will cost versus this one, but I can't pay 5K for something I am not floored with you know? Until this point I really thought I would have to have a Sub, but the GMT knocked me for one hell of a loop out of nowhere. Also got to see a LV Sub, but just can't handle the green. Dad loved it though....

So a couple of questions if you don't mind.....

Can someone tell me what the new steel/black GMT is running, and can it be had before the increase? The target for my first Rolex purchase has been about 16 months out from now, but I can't stand it anymore........something new will be on my wrist soon I am afraid, but it must be the "perfect" choice.

If I were to get the red blue, how difficult is it to have a Rolex red/black insert put in and at what cost out of curiosity? I don’t mind the money to be happy, but don't know anything about insert replacements. Are these readily available? I am confident that I would like the red/black combo however. and am considering this as an option. I am sure If I called them back I could get the same deal.

Would sure appreciate your feedback everyone,

I was curious about the "out the door" price. Was that for the old GMT (pepsi bezel) and did that price include tax? If not, you should be able to get a better price. MSRP for the old GMT is $5075 and that's only a 2.5% discount.

My AD offered me the old GMT at 10% off last month, stating it's no longer being made. Prior to the new model he had offered it at 5%. It has since been sold.

The bezels you mentioned are plentiful on Ebay. Don't know if they're Rolex or fakes though. I assume some might be legitimate.


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Old 7 August 2007, 01:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by jbradley02 View Post
I got the TT GMT II for $8018.00 pre tax $8500.00 with Tax Steep but hey I Love it anyway.
Is this for the new style GMT II (116713)? I'm targeting that as my next one, and any information about whether ADs are giving discounts is helpful.
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Old 7 August 2007, 02:04 AM   #9
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I deal in guns a lot and when we say "out the door" it means everything tax and all. Not sure if watch buyers use this term but assumed they did. In any case, sorry for the confusion, but yes that's the whole price. It's a significant amount of money (to me) where we are at 8.25% sales tax...... 418.00 on a 5075.00 watch. Hell I may call them and offer the ten percent off and see what happens.


This is the old GMT with "pepsi" bezel.
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Old 7 August 2007, 02:22 AM   #10
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yes it is the 116713

P.S I fogot to add the part that my wife paid that amount for me :-) God I Love that Woman!!!!!
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Old 7 August 2007, 02:25 AM   #11
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I would go with that GMT... or see if they have a black or black/red bezel.

Here's why I say that. You like the Sub look; so do I

With a black bezel insert, the looks of the GMT and the Sub are almost identical, so the look is there. With the GMT you also get that bitchen' 24 hr hand.....I think it's a nice plus.

There are some differences, although slight, divers extension bracelet, slightly larger crown on the Sub, and the numbers on the bezel are different.. But these are functional items, and the GMT has it's own function too.

$4950 out the door is a good price, for a good watch.
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Old 7 August 2007, 04:30 AM   #12
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Great choice on holding off to find a watch you love. The price your AD quoted you on the GMT is VERY fair...close to 10% is GREAT on a SS sport model that is also now discontinued. If you like the older model GMT-II then jump on that one pronto. She's hooking you up.
If you KNOW you want the new one, then grab that. It'll set you back almost a grand more and probably WON'T be discounted, but you'll love it and that's all that counts!
Genuine bezels are harder to track down than most thing, but they can be had. That being said, I'd get one with a bezel you like, you don't want to look down at that watch every day thinking how you can't wait to change bezels.
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Old 7 August 2007, 04:36 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Brushpup View Post

I deal in guns a lot and when we say "out the door" it means everything tax and all. Not sure if watch buyers use this term but assumed they did. In any case, sorry for the confusion, but yes that's the whole price. It's a significant amount of money (to me) where we are at 8.25% sales tax...... 418.00 on a 5075.00 watch. Hell I may call them and offer the ten percent off and see what happens.


This is the old GMT with "pepsi" bezel.
I assume you know that you can avoid the sales tax completely by shipping the watch out of state to a friend/relative. This is a considerable savings and can make the watch even cheaper.

If the AD is eating the sales tax, he's giving you about 10% off the total price including the tax. If you ship it out of state, it's not costing the AD the 8.25% sales tax, so why couldn't he apply that or a percentage of it to the MSRP which would make it even cheaper?


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Old 7 August 2007, 04:42 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by John685 View Post
I assume you know that you can avoid the sales tax completely by shipping the watch out of state to a friend/relative. This is a considerable savings and can make the watch even cheaper.

If the AD is eating the sales tax, he's giving you about 10% off the total price including the tax. If you ship it out of state, it's not costing the AD the 8.25% sales tax, so why couldn't he apply that or a percentage of it to the MSRP which would make it even cheaper?
Good point! I know you wrote that you were on a road trip...were you still in Texas?
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Old 7 August 2007, 09:31 PM   #15
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Yes Ruben I was still in Texas, but I found another one at the AD here in town I hadn't been to yet. I have just now actually started going into AD's. They have one in an all black non-ceramic Bezel/red 24 HR hand which I assume is the old model. I had a great experience with this dealer and they also have a Rolex certified watch maker there. They somehow offer an extra year of warranty.

I was offered a price of 5087 out the door, which is really 4700+tax. Haven't thought about shipping it out of state and don't know if they would do that. I doubt they would as they are a very very reputable dealer, but I really don't know. I am thinking awfully hard about making a reasonable counter-offer.......perhaps 4700 out the door and see where it goes from there. Hell all they can do is say no....
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Old 8 August 2007, 08:30 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Brushpup View Post
Yes Ruben I was still in Texas, but I found another one at the AD here in town I hadn't been to yet. I have just now actually started going into AD's. They have one in an all black non-ceramic Bezel/red 24 HR hand which I assume is the old model. I had a great experience with this dealer and they also have a Rolex certified watch maker there. They somehow offer an extra year of warranty.

I was offered a price of 5087 out the door, which is really 4700+tax. Haven't thought about shipping it out of state and don't know if they would do that. I doubt they would as they are a very very reputable dealer, but I really don't know. I am thinking awfully hard about making a reasonable counter-offer.......perhaps 4700 out the door and see where it goes from there. Hell all they can do is say no....
Shipping out of state is fairly common with most AD's. It's just a question of if they will do it. It doesn't hurt to ask. If they won't find one that will.

It's a legitimate business practice. They double wrap the package and once it arrives at the destination (FEDEX) the friend/relative unwraps the outer layer to find another wrapped package with your address on it. It's given to FEDEX again and sent to your home address. My AD even pays for the shipping!

You could also simplify the process by finding a close AD in an adjoining state. Buy your watch from them and have it sent directly to your home. Once you own the watch, it can be serviced at any AD in your hometown.


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