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Old 16 December 2018, 03:18 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2008
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WTB: 1570gmt wheels and palate for ‘70s 1675.

Hi All,

I am hoping that someone can help me source some wheels for my 1675. I have an early ‘70s gmt that went off to a great watchmaker in Helsinki. He serviced the watch as well as he could, but due to my shipping back to Canada, he had to close the watch up before sourcing the extra parts needed. Consequently I am looking for:
  • Hour wheel,
  • Date corrector wheel
  • Centre wheel.
  • Palate

Also, and I am not sure what this part is called, but I need whatever it is that carries the 24 hour hand, as it has become rusted and the cleaning of it means that fitting of the hand is less tight than it should be.

If any of you have any these parts, can you please let me know — you can see the worn condition of the wheels in the photos below and the diagram is marked with green (in case of translation issues).

Thanks in advance:

Steve +1(403)-393-9891

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.

SS Submariner no date 1992 (sold); SS GMT II 2007 (sold); SS GMT II C 2008 ('M' series) (sold); SS Sub C 2011 (sold); BB GMT 1971 (sold); Omega 50th GMT
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