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Old 6 April 2021, 04:08 PM   #1
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Service dials & dial swaps

Does anyone know what are the constraints and rules around "service dials"? If you have an out-of-production RO model, and ask that they replace the dial, do they replicate the style and color?

Like what happens if you have a rare 14790ST with a bright red or Yves Klein blue dial? Or will they just refuse to replace those?

Another example: 15300STs and the older white 15202STs have matte white dials. Current production ROs dials are "silver / white" and much more shiny. If you have an white 15300ST and ask to have the dial swapped on these models, can you "upgrade" it to the shiny silver / white version?
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Old 6 April 2021, 04:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by dh1 View Post
Does anyone know what are the constraints and rules around "service dials"? If you have an out-of-production RO model, and ask that they replace the dial, do they replicate the style and color?

Like what happens if you have a rare 14790ST with a bright red or Yves Klein blue dial? Or will they just refuse to replace those?

Another example: 15300STs and the older white 15202STs have matte white dials. Current production ROs dials are "silver / white" and much more shiny. If you have an white 15300ST and ask to have the dial swapped on these models, can you "upgrade" it to the shiny silver / white version?

you should email/call clearwater to confirm, but from what i’ve read other people mention here in the forum they sometimes do let you change colors but not to something like blue in a 15400 or that kinda thing where the dial color is a more “special” version.
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Old 18 April 2021, 08:50 AM   #3
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Maybe another question: if you look on chrono24... you can find standalone dials for sale for various models, but a lot of them look brand new and for out of production models (e.g. 15300 dials).

Like I see a 15300ST blue dial is listed on Chrono24 (image below). Presumably you could buy a less popular 15300ST (e.g. white) and just have someone swap in that blue dial. The papers wouldn't match of course.

But I was really wondering: where do these brand new dials come from? They don't look like they've been taken from from a broken watch.

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Old 20 April 2021, 12:56 AM   #4
J to the Z
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Originally Posted by dh1 View Post
Does anyone know what are the constraints and rules around "service dials"? If you have an out-of-production RO model, and ask that they replace the dial, do they replicate the style and color?

Like what happens if you have a rare 14790ST with a bright red or Yves Klein blue dial? Or will they just refuse to replace those?

Another example: 15300STs and the older white 15202STs have matte white dials. Current production ROs dials are "silver / white" and much more shiny. If you have an white 15300ST and ask to have the dial swapped on these models, can you "upgrade" it to the shiny silver / white version?

I recently had my 15300 serviced by AP and was offered an optional dial replacement (not changing to another color, just getting a new white dial). I declined the optional dial replacement, but during the service AP accidentally installed a new white dial and reached out to me offering to leave the new white dial in free of charge (they wouldn’t return the old dial though). Since they said the new white dial was exactly the same as the old white dial, I went along with it. I haven’t been able to notice any difference compared to the old white dial. I’m not sure if this may differ for other references, but just sharing my own experience!

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