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Old 19 November 2012, 03:19 PM   #1
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Tread climbers, anyone use them?

So, about six months ago I got very serious about my physical activity and excercise routine. Oh, nothing hard-core, just walking for an hour every day and a visit to the gym for some weight-training every other day. I feel better then I have in years and have lost about 18 pounds. I plan on continuing this but have an oppurtunity to get a free Bow Flex 3000 tread climber. Long story, but a good friend of mine bought it a couple years ago, never took it out of the box and owed me a couple favors so offered it as a (very nice) gift. Right now, I will typically go to my local gym, ( a very nice one with the latest equipment) and walk on the treadmill while I watch TV. I figure I'd be sitting on my fat A%S at home watching it, I mine as well burn some calories and get a long walk in while I'm doing it. The treadmills are very nice, big TV screens on every one, I channel flip just like when I'm sitting in the lounge chair at home. Anyway, getting back to the treadclimber.

If I accept his gracious gift, I could put it in my living room, and instead of going to the gym to walk on the treadmill at night for an hour while watching TV, I can do the same thing in the comfort of my own living room and own TV. Only thing is, I have never used one of those tread climbers before. I hear they're pretty good.... does anyone use one? I don't want to take it from him if I use it once and then leave it in a closet for 59 years.... But the idea of not having to actually GO anywhere to "walk and watch" is pretty appealing.

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Old 19 November 2012, 03:24 PM   #2
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I had thought about getting one for the convenience of not having to go out to the gym. I opted for a stationary bike instead. Are you wedded to walking? I find that the bike is easier on the joints. I started biking in Apr and have lost 30 pounds without a significant change to my diet or lifestyle. Anyway, good on you for taking care of yourself! More people need to do this for themselves and their loved ones. Cheers!
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Old 19 November 2012, 04:05 PM   #3
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I like commercial ellipticals myself, whenever I want to get serious about dropping 10 lbs or so. But the Bow Flex will do the job, the key with it is the same as any other piece of equipment: yoo gots to use it, every day, day in, day out, whether you feel like it or not. It's so simple, but so difficult. A lot of people need the additional incentive factor that the public gym facilities provide, ie, everybody's busy working out and thus you will too. you know, the way around that for the unambitious is they simply find ways(excuses) why they can't get to the gym on any given day, which sort of eventually becomes. ..well, every day. Lather, rinse, repeat. Getting overweight and out of shape is easy. Staying in great shape is work and it honestly ain't fun.

Take the unit, Paul. I think you'll be glad you did.
The payments remain long after the novelty has worn off.

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Old 19 November 2012, 04:54 PM   #4
Monte Cristo
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Well done Paul keep up the good work.
I think consistency is the key, regardless if its a Treadmill, tread walker, bike, etc

IMO take the gift, its free and you have nothing to loose....besides weight

I used to have a treadclimber and found it to be a much harder workout than the treadmill and as far as exercising at home in front of the tv, that has never worked for me.
I guess psychologically to me, watching tv at home means relaxing and I found that after a while it became too easy to just say, well the treadwalker is just here so i can jump on it tomorrow anyway...
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Old 19 November 2012, 11:25 PM   #5
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Use it in addition to going to the gym..don't stop going.
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Old 20 November 2012, 12:02 AM   #6
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Get a second one - and with the help of your training partner - your pace and heart-rate should improve, too!


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Old 20 November 2012, 12:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by 77T View Post
Get a second one - and with the help of your training partner - your pace and heart-rate should improve, too!

ohh, I want one of those.
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