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Old 4 December 2012, 10:10 PM   #13951
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My car is a 2004 Mazda 3 hatchback, I'm afraid I cannot remember the brand of tires I bought but I'll give you this information tonight since I have the receipt in my car. All I know is that they have a slowflake logo that is very important in Quebec (since we have a law that "forces" us to put Winter tires in Winter the government decided that in 2014 our tires will have to have this logo as they will only accept those ones, if your tires don't have it you'll have something like a 300$ fine as well as 48 hours to change them so I'd rather get those now and stop worrying about it).

All I can tell you is that I've filled them with Nitrogen instead of air this time as I've been told it will last longer and since it's going to be lighter I'll save on fuel. As far as I'm concerned I believe it's just a marketing thing and it's probably not true but it was 12$ and my father was kind enough to say "here, take it, it's on me"!
Mon corps c'est un pays en guerre sur l'point d'finir,
Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
On va hisser le drapeau blanc un point c'est tout.

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Old 4 December 2012, 10:42 PM   #13952
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Carl I'm very familiar with the snowflake symbol. It's the reason that I spent so much time searching for just the right tires.
I bought BF Goodrich All Terrain T/A KO (BFG AT/KO) in size 265-75/16 for my Xterra. Easy enough right? It's a great tire with a very strong sidewall, deep grooves and side tread. Every tire shop has them EXCEPT that BFG makes them in 2 flavors; S and Q. What the tire shops have is the Q. It doesn't have the snowflake symbol, has a lower speed rating and a slightly lower tread wear warranty. I had to order the (S) tires from and have them delivered to my office then take them to a local tire shop and have them mounted. More trouble for me but it seemed foolish to buy a tire with less features. I know there are some places in Me, Vt and NH that won't allow a truck to pass unless it has the snowflake symbol on its tires during parts of the year. When Wendy's tires need replacing next year I expect I'll do the same. More robust tires for approx the same cost. The only thing I miss is the free tire rotation that tire shops often offer with new tires.
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Old 4 December 2012, 10:53 PM   #13953
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Bill, what do you think about nitrogen in tires? Dave is big on it, but I find that it's difficult to find places that use nitrogen for when you need a little topping off. I have to drive all the way across town to our Nissan dealership for nitrogen, and then they usually tell me there will be a two hour wait! So I went back to air.
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Old 4 December 2012, 11:02 PM   #13954
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Carl I'm very familiar with the snowflake symbol. It's the reason that I spent so much time searching for just the right tires.
I bought BF Goodrich All Terrain T/A KO (BFG AT/KO) in size 265-75/16 for my Xterra. Easy enough right? It's a great tire with a very strong sidewall, deep grooves and side tread. Every tire shop has them EXCEPT that BFG makes them in 2 flavors; S and Q. What the tire shops have is the Q. It doesn't have the snowflake symbol, has a lower speed rating and a slightly lower tread wear warranty. I had to order the (S) tires from and have them delivered to my office then take them to a local tire shop and have them mounted. More trouble for me but it seemed foolish to buy a tire with less features. I know there are some places in Me, Vt and NH that won't allow a truck to pass unless it has the snowflake symbol on its tires during parts of the year. When Wendy's tires need replacing next year I expect I'll do the same. More robust tires for approx the same cost. The only thing I miss is the free tire rotation that tire shops often offer with new tires.
I'll have to look for the "speed letter" on my tires but I know they almost made the mistake of installing the wrong ones when I had mine installed. The mechanic noticed it at the last minute, may I ask you what would have been the risks had I bought tires that didn't have the proper letter?

Too bad you have to do such a thing for your tires but I'm thinking that you wouldn't get through this if it wasn't worth it. The snowflake symbol is, as I've said, not necessary right now so some people won't worry about it yet but I'm thinking I'm glad I had to change mine now as it would have probably been a real pain to look for them in December 2014 (especially since I know it was a pain just to have the tires changed at this time of the year, it's like that every year and I'm not even describing the amount of people in garages on the 15th)...

Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Bill, what do you think about nitrogen in tires? Dave is big on it, but I find that it's difficult to find places that use nitrogen for when you need a little topping off. I have to drive all the way across town to our Nissan dealership for nitrogen, and then they usually tell me there will be a two hour wait! So I went back to air.
I'd be very curious to have another opinion on this as well! I've had mine installed at Canadian Tire and I have a few near my parents' house as well as my apartment in Trois-Rivières so it probably won't be a struggle for me but I'm convinced (even if I decided to take it...I really like the big life right here! ) I was given a marketing speech and air would have probably done the very same thing.

Another question here (I'm not sure I remember that one), is Nitrogen more "resistant" to temperature changes? I know I always had to put air in my tires in Winter (even when they were in good condition) because the cold would make them look more flat.
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Old 4 December 2012, 11:04 PM   #13955
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Originally Posted by FeelingTheBlues View Post
Now could you, if you please, enlighten me on that tea party of yours? What did I miss now?
Ahhh mate, you missed it. We partied all night till the sun came up. (probably had something to do with all that caffeine )
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Old 4 December 2012, 11:06 PM   #13956
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Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
Ahhh mate, you missed it. We partied all night till the sun came up. (probably had something to do with all that caffine)
Thank goodness I wasn't the designated driver...given my car problems I wouldn't have been very helpful...

Alright ladies, start pushing! I'll take care of the steering wheel!
Mon corps c'est un pays en guerre sur l'point d'finir,
Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
On va hisser le drapeau blanc un point c'est tout.

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Old 4 December 2012, 11:14 PM   #13957
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Yes, the nitro is resistant to temp changes, we use it a lot for this reason in my line of work. We keep tanks of it around.
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Old 4 December 2012, 11:59 PM   #13958
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Originally Posted by FeelingTheBlues View Post
I'm never too far Wes...

I had to buy new tires and have them installed but since a lot of people are getting their winter tires installed right now (as per our laws we must have winter tires by the 15th of December in Quebec) I had to leave my car at the garage until today at noon, therefore I could only come back today and I had to miss a day at school.
Hi Carl- I'm glad you survived that snowstorm! we were hit Friday afternoon- and it made a huge mess of everything! I had my "snows" put on that evening!
We do not have the snow tire law in Ontario....yet; But i think its a really good idea; One person with inappropriate tires can still wreak havoc for others, who have snows on,!

Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Too bad you missed a day at school.
What kind of car? (these are the kinds of things I'm interested in) and what kind of tires did you get?
I ought tires for the Xterra this summer Audi spent about 2 weeks researching and shopping for just the right ones. IMO when I'm about to blow $1k on tires I choose very carefully.
My hubby is a mechanic- he swears by Toyo Tires- they are expensive but they are on of the best tires for our snowy/icy conditions.

Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Bill, what do you think about nitrogen in tires? Dave is big on it, but I find that it's difficult to find places that use nitrogen for when you need a little topping off. I have to drive all the way across town to our Nissan dealership for nitrogen, and then they usually tell me there will be a two hour wait! So I went back to air.
I've never heard of nitro in tires! I'll ask the hubby about that
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Old 5 December 2012, 12:59 AM   #13959
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Hey Michelle. As Carl says, it may be a trend or it may be here to stay. Proponents say it is less likely to expand and contract and therefore keep tire pressure more stable. Our big problem is with availability. Only our dealership offers it as far as I know, and it's always a hassle to deal with them for the "free topoffs" they promised when they sold Dave on switching over to nitrogen.

I'm curious to hear what your hubby has to say on the matter!
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Old 5 December 2012, 01:00 AM   #13960
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My understanding is that the nitrogen molecules are larger than oxygen and do tires filled with nitrogen do not seep and lose pressure as much as air. The biggest reason to use nitrogen though is that it's more stable with regards to temperature changes than air. Tires heat up and cool down and theoretically the tire pressure will change with every cycle.
Personally I don't think it's worth any added expense on a street car. Usually used for racing and high performance but doubtful for regular daily driver use IMO. If the cost buys peace of mind then ok but I don't use it. My new tires have never needed air yet but Wendy's old tires require a top off now and then - probably more due to wheel corrosion or valve stem age than anything else.
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Old 5 December 2012, 01:08 AM   #13961
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Hey Michelle. As Carl says, it may be a trend or it may be here to stay. Proponents say it is less likely to expand and contract and therefore keep tire pressure more stable. Our big problem is with availability. Only our dealership offers it as far as I know, and it's always a hassle to deal with them for the "free topoffs" they promised when they sold Dave on switching over to nitrogen.

I'm curious to hear what your hubby has to say on the matter!
Hi Lisa, and Bill- I will ask Mark about nitro- I'm pretty sure he does not offer it, so he will probably agree with you Bill- not necessary on a non-high performance vehicle.
Myself- i think the most important factor in a good tire- is its treads, and how worn they are.
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Old 5 December 2012, 01:16 AM   #13962
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Hi Lisa, and Bill- I will ask Mark about nitro- I'm pretty sure he does not offer it, so he will probably agree with you Bill- not necessary on a non-high performance vehicle.
Myself- i think the most important factor in a good tire- is its treads, and how worn they are.

Amen to that. There's nothing like a new tire. I will replace them at first sign of the wear bars or before. I hate worn tires.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
Floating down canal
It doesn't use numbers or moving hands
It always just says "now"
Now you may be thinking that I was had
But this watch is never wrong
And if I have trouble the warranty said
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Old 5 December 2012, 03:48 AM   #13963
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Ok y'all...I searched this but came up empty...this is a dumb issue, but the stem on my Glaschutte rubs a spot on the back of my hand. Like bad enough that I can't wear it. I either end up putting on the other wrist or turning it upside down. Is it because the bracelet is too loose? I had it shortened as much as my local jeweler could figure out how to do it. There are some tricky links that he was afraid to mess with. I don't want to send it to Glaschutte because I think might take a long time to get it back and I would miss it. Even upside down on the wrong wrist. lol
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Old 5 December 2012, 03:58 AM   #13964
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I would say it could be too loose. My DJ was loose and the crown could rub. Now I have it really snug, hardly moves at all, but never feels tight. Sometimes, if my wrist shrinks it can move a bit, but not long enough to cause a problem.

It could just be the shape/size of the watch/crown and your wrist, it just rubs. Your only option is to tighen the bracelet or move to the other wrist.
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Old 5 December 2012, 04:03 AM   #13965
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Thanks, Wes. You might have to right me a song to make me feel better about this stem situation. ha
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Old 5 December 2012, 05:59 AM   #13966
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Originally Posted by dbelle7 View Post
Thanks, Wes. You might have to right me a song to make me feel better about this stem situation. ha
I second that.

Sorry about the troubles, Dawna. That sucks to have such a nice watch but then discover it's not comfortable.

Can it be adjusted smaller? What kind of bracelet does it have?

Do you think you could get used to wearing it your right wrist?
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Old 5 December 2012, 06:09 AM   #13967
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Originally Posted by dbelle7 View Post
Ok y'all...I searched this but came up empty...this is a dumb issue, but the stem on my Glaschutte rubs a spot on the back of my hand. Like bad enough that I can't wear it. I either end up putting on the other wrist or turning it upside down. Is it because the bracelet is too loose? I had it shortened as much as my local jeweler could figure out how to do it. There are some tricky links that he was afraid to mess with. I don't want to send it to Glaschutte because I think might take a long time to get it back and I would miss it. Even upside down on the wrong wrist. lol
What model is it?
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Old 5 December 2012, 06:39 AM   #13968
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I'm left handed so I should prob wear it on the other hand anyway.
My local jeweler says he took it up as much as he could but there were some links he didn't know how to adjust? It's still too big really.
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Old 5 December 2012, 06:40 AM   #13969
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Art 1 here it is:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354653637.573936.jpg
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Old 5 December 2012, 07:05 AM   #13970
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Such a pretty watch. If there is more links that can come out, I would persevere and find a jeweller that can remove them. A good fit is absolute key to comfort.
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Old 5 December 2012, 07:16 AM   #13971
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Lisa, here is some nitrogen for you.

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Old 5 December 2012, 07:16 AM   #13972
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Originally Posted by dbelle7 View Post
Art 1 here it is:Attachment 334626
For some reason I only see a ? mark.
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Old 5 December 2012, 07:22 AM   #13973
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Well to get us into the festive spirit I have made a little vid for y'all. The piano isn't great in this one, but to make up for it I have used pics of Michelle's amazing Christmas cards. Hope you like.

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Old 5 December 2012, 07:31 AM   #13974
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Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
Well to get us into the festive spirit I have made a little vid for y'all. The piano isn't great in this one, but to make up for it I have used pics of Michelle's amazing Christmas cards. Hope you like.

Wes, you piano playing is outstanding. And Michelle's art work is out of this world. Well done.
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Old 5 December 2012, 07:41 AM   #13975
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Originally Posted by Art 1 View Post
Wes, you piano playing is outstanding. And Michelle's art work is out of this world. Well done.
Thanks Art
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Old 5 December 2012, 07:54 AM   #13976
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Originally Posted by Art 1 View Post
Why, thank you, Art. How gallant of you. That looks like it should last a while, too.
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Old 5 December 2012, 08:00 AM   #13977
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Originally Posted by dbelle7 View Post
I'm left handed so I should prob wear it on the other hand anyway.
My local jeweler says he took it up as much as he could but there were some links he didn't know how to adjust? It's still too big really.
Dawna, I'm left handed, too - and used to wear my Gruen on my left wrist. Did it for years. Then I went for several years wearing no watch. Then I got into Rolex and always wore it on my right wrist. I guess I would get used to wearing it on either, but the deciding factor was that my left arm was my baby-carrying arm and I didn't want the watch to dig into those little baby hineys. Maybe the answer would be as simple as wearing it on your right wrist.

Does your watch slide around a lot? Do you think that you could possibly have a permanent link removed? I have no idea how Glaschutte (sp?) bracelets are put together, but I had to remove perm. links on a couple of watches - my older TOG datejust and my Tudor Chronograph. It's a little painful to tear up a link, but if that's the only way a watch can be worn comfortably, then it's worth it.

Maybe you could swap out the bracelet for a leather strap?
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Old 5 December 2012, 08:07 AM   #13978
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Wes! LOVED that video. Perfect tune, and Michelle, your artwork is really wonderful. You guys have so much talent. Bravo, bravo!

Thank you, Wes.

Oh my.... I can just hear you doing some Vince Guaraldi next.... (hint, hint...)
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Old 5 December 2012, 08:11 AM   #13979
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Originally Posted by Art 1 View Post
Yes, the nitro is resistant to temp changes, we use it a lot for this reason in my line of work. We keep tanks of it around.
May I ask what your work is Art?

Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Hi Carl- I'm glad you survived that snowstorm! we were hit Friday afternoon- and it made a huge mess of everything! I had my "snows" put on that evening!
We do not have the snow tire law in Ontario....yet; But i think its a really good idea; One person with inappropriate tires can still wreak havoc for others, who have snows on,!
Actually it wasn't a snowstorm at all Michelle, it was rather rain with a cold temperature that made it freeze on the ground (what we Frenchies like to call glace noire, or dark ice, the type of ice you don't see on the road but that is very slippery). As for the law, it is a good thing indeed but at the same time you wonder where the world is going when a province must vote a law to force us to put Winter Winter (this was actually one of our well known comic's joke in his one man show, it did make me laugh)!

Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
My understanding is that the nitrogen molecules are larger than oxygen and do tires filled with nitrogen do not seep and lose pressure as much as air. The biggest reason to use nitrogen though is that it's more stable with regards to temperature changes than air. Tires heat up and cool down and theoretically the tire pressure will change with every cycle.
I fully agree with you about the necessity of such a gas in tires and I know, although I paid for it, that it would have been just as good had I decided to put air instead. However, given that places like Quebec do have quite the temperature changes (I'm thinking about my personal case as I'm also on the road a lot and I travel from Montreal to Trois-Rivières, which is a tad up to the North East and is close to, as the name states, rivers, making it a rather cold city during Winter), would it make it at least useful enough to make one consider it?

I'm not trying to find an excuse for my decision as I know and I fully assume the fact that I paid for something without really needing it but since we are talking about whether it's good or not we might as well try to see if there's any way it could at least be useful for street cars. Of course, companies could offer it just because they know some people will pay for it but would there be a situation in which one could really find an advantage in it?

...Heck, I clearly can't try to justify my purchase, I just bought it because I like to live on the edge and if I ever hit a pothole there's a risk my car will blow up!

Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Myself- i think the most important factor in a good tire- is its treads, and how worn they are.
Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Amen to that. There's nothing like a new tire. I will replace them at first sign of the wear bars or before. I hate worn tires.
Having had issues with old and worn tires, I can only agree!

Originally Posted by dbelle7 View Post
I'm left handed so I should prob wear it on the other hand anyway.
My local jeweler says he took it up as much as he could but there were some links he didn't know how to adjust? It's still too big really.
I'm sorry to read about your issue with your watch Dawna! Wes did give you some good advice and I hope it will help you but if your jeweler can't find a way to adjust it more perhaps you could send it to Rik Dietel or Bob Ridley on the forum, they have solid reputations and I'm sure it will be less long (and expensive) than having to send it back to Glashütte.

As for being a left handed, I must say I'm one as well and I always wore my watch on my left wrist so I'll have to disagree with your above statement!

Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
Well to get us into the festive spirit I have made a little vid for y'all. The piano isn't great in this one, but to make up for it I have used pics of Michelle's amazing Christmas cards. Hope you like.

Piano isn't great? Puh-leaaaaaaaaaaaaze! It sounded great Wes, the tone it had added quite the effect to the song in my opinion!

Thank you for sharing your music with us (as always)! Michelle, your cards are very impressive!
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Old 5 December 2012, 08:12 AM   #13980
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Oh my.... I can just hear you doing some Vince Guaraldi next.... (hint, hint...)
Now that made me laugh!
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