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Old 17 May 2009, 01:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Okay, experienced moms and dads, and luscious slugs, too: I'm still beating this horse about that little girl and her lying to me yesterday. Her dishonesty is one thing, but telling my almost-6 year old to lie to cover for her is another thing.

If this had happend at your house, how stern would you have gotten with this little girl when you knew she was lying and telling your own kid to lie? Would you have told her mom about it?
If I found out after the fact, as I think you did, I wouldn't bother telling the mom unless this is a relationship you intend to continue (w/child or mother).
If it happened during the playdate, as it has at my house, I would address the house rules with all children. Joe made a good point earlier, and we do this as well - my house, my rules.

As far as June goes - I would use this as a teaching moment (and this situation has happened at my home as well). I've discussed the incident with my kids, and talked about how our "family rules" may be different than others'. I've also used it as a moment to discuss compassion with the child. Why do you think your friend felt the need to act that way? What would have been a better way to act? How would their mom/dad feel about it? Perhaps the other child was having a bad day. Maybe she acts that way because she's upset that her mom can't spend time with her the way your mom does... etc.

I find it easy to use this as a family bonding moment: What are our family's rules, and why do we have them?

Hope you don't think this is too crazy, but that is how I usually handle things.
.Member #5380
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