Originally Posted by mikemargolis
Status from the boss as of May 11:
Chronode has faced an issue with the split-second mechanism and had to interrupt the production to modify two components: the tube and the axis transmitting the movement to the second and the split-second. Re-production of these two components has been launched. We will get pre-series in a week and test them. On May 19 we will get a precise timing on the schedule of the deliveries. Assembly should resume by June 15. We will be delivering some pieces in June and a many more in July. All the pieces already delivered have passed successfully the tests. In any case any issue would be taken care of as the usual.
Our delivery objective: all Silver Grey should be delivered by the end of September. When Silver Grey is fully delivered, we will immediately continue with the Ice Blue. The last Ice Blue batch should be delivered in early 2023.
This is great. I love seeing that they'd rather fix issues rather than shipping them out with issues just to get production numbers up. Big plus from me.