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Old 16 January 2008, 05:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 2,934
Human Resources...finding 2.

At a company annual dinner, the HR Manager wanted to find out whether there is a co-relation between work pressure and the frequency of love making. So he asked "Can I have a show of hands how many of you make love everyday?" Up shot quite a number of hands and a quick glance shows that most of these people are clerical staff and production workers.

Then he continued, "And what about 3 times a week?" Sure enough, this time the technicians and those working in the warehouse proudly put up their hands.

He looked around and then asked again, "Who does it once a week?" Quite shy, those executives and officers in the marketing and sales department half heartedly raised up their hands.

The HR manager decided that in order for him to make a undisputed conclusion, he daringly asked, "And pardon me if I may ask, who amongst you do it once a month?" Naturally, this time everybody could see that so few hands were raised by their unit and departmental senior managers.

Everybody expected the HR manager to stop at that but were taken aback when he proceeded to ask "And what about once a year?"

Out in the far dimly lit corner one hand was raised. He was hardly noticed. But that guy's behaviour was somewhat unexplainable. He was frantically jumping and vigorously waving his hand. And sure enough, everybody at once recognised him as their Managing Director.

So the HR Manager said "With due respect to you as our MD, why all these excitement? There is nothing to be proud of doing it once a year."

Then the MD shouted, "Yeah... I know. But tonight is THE night!!!"
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