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Old 5 July 2014, 07:03 PM   #1
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Icon5 To restore or not to restore, that is the question...

Hello fellow members,
I recently acquired this 3035 movement for what I thought was a decent price ($150). The watch seems to all parts there save for needing a few new screws, the jewel above the balance assembly. Crown and winding stem.

The watch substained substantial water damage that sat in its case for an unknown time(rust cleaning easily). The owner replaced the movement and sold this to me. I'm really toting with the idea of having it restored, but, not if it's not cost effective. I have no idea as to what parts it will require, and if it is actually a canadate for investing the money to be restored. If it could cost more than $400 to get this watch going, I will try the following in my next paragraph..

I'm also considering the idea of disassembling the watch and taking a stab at it myself. I would consider myself experienced at disassembly and assembly, not nescesarry watches, but have a good memory of such tasks. My only issue would be obtaining parts that would be required for the job.

If I do decide to go at this, I will definitely post pictures and "as I go pictures".

So what do you watchmakers thinks? A doable project or destined failure?

In the last picture, I started to clean the dial. It is cleaner from the first set of pictures to the very last one.

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