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Old 31 December 2016, 10:17 AM   #1
GerardoG's Avatar
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Icon5 Hope?

It is finally December. Finally 30th...and in some places, 31st. Finally, the year is about to end....what a ride.

One year ago, I sat here, alone, and wrote to you about '15, wishing and hoping for '16. Who thought what '16 would have up the sleeve.

On our side, things started as every year, with ups and downs, closing some cycles and starting new and exciting ones; but sometime life throws you unexpected curve balls which catch us off guard and force us to re-arrange and re-engage...only to find life changing its pitch at us...again...and again...and again. By the time December arrives at our doorstep, we look back at a very unusual year, with many different pitches from life and, incredibly, with big questions in our hearts and minds.

After far too many visits to the funeral home (nine this year) and an amazing array of sad, unexpected situations, I make a stop, not with wine in my hand, but with tequila. Trust me, I need something strong.

During this time, despair was a common feeling that came along with hundreds -or maybe thousands- of unanswered questions; most of which will remain unanswered forever; but what I found most harmful was loosing hope. When we fall once, we stand up learning from mistakes; but when life makes you fall many consecutive times, our courage is questioned and we have to look deep inside to find a glimpse of hope that, even when life has said NO, will give us a brief breath of fresh air and make us move forward.

I must confess that during '16, I found that breath here, at TRF. Even when doors closed, and a new curveball was pitched by life, true and honest words from people I do not know (and fortunately a lot of who now I know) were there to comfort and share that precious feeling: hope. To all of you THANK YOU for being there.

2016 did bring laughs and good times, we had an amazing GTG (which now is a yearly event!!!) in Vegas, as well as smaller GTG's in different cities, I have to say GRACIAS to everyone who trusted me during these gatherings; I will do my best to have more and better GTG's during 2017; if your time allows, please join us.

To mods and giveaway sponsors; THANK YOU for the laughs and small fights, the vast array of comments and points of view, as well as those unexpected giveaways, make TRF a unique virtual family.

TRFers: I raise a glass and toast. 2016 is almost over; here it is to an amazing 2017.
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