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Old 9 December 2017, 02:53 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by SMD View Post
I remember going when I was four, but the specifics aren't really the point. Yes, I get that vacation money is gone and you have "nothing to show for it". But how far do we take this? How about not going on a honeymoon and instead buying a nice watch? How about forgetting about all travel and buying a birkin? Anyway, my only point was there is value in creating memories with your family and it is not always a dollars and cents calculation. I mean, I assume you could have bought another nice watch with the trip to Mexico you just went on but I assume you would not characterize it as having nothing to show for it?
wasn't going into all that. I am not sure what my priorities are to be completely honest. I am grateful that right now I dont really need to make that choice. if it came down to it, I really dont know. I also dont have kids, so it is hard to compare.

was just curious about your statement.

and lmao, could have bought one for me and the wife.

and fwiw, I absolutely love Disney.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

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