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Old 4 December 2008, 05:47 PM   #1
SS Oyster
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This close to "my" grail watch

Today I was up in Newport Beach area for a dental appointment, so I decided to do a bit of Christmas shopping at Costa Mesa mall. As I wandered around, I decided to stop in at Tourneau. They don't carry new Rolex watches, even though they claimed that they WERE a Rolex AD in some stores. Of the four Tourneau stores I've frequented, they only have pre-owned models ... that's another post altogether.

Anyway, they had a brand new (albeit short one band link) YG GMT IIc green dial. This happens to be MY "Grail" watch. I know, I know, it may not meet the TRF-accepted definition (rare, old, etc.) for Grail, but it meets my definition --- of any Rolex watch available anywhere in the world, which would you prefer to own. Under that definition, the YG GMT IIc green dial is my Grail watch.

Back to Tourneau ... I asked to try to watch. It was too tight (missing one link). Other than that, it was perfect with all the plastic still in tact, and the salesman told me he would get me the missing link.

He told me the price was $24,583 including 7.75% tax (out the door). I asked him the real price for this "used" watch. He asked me if I was willing to buy the watch today. I told I was for the right price, so he asked me what I'd be willing to pay "today". I told him that I'd pay $17k and not a cent more. He asked me if that was before tax or "out the door"? I told him that was my "out the door" price (amount out of my pocket), but if he would sell it to me for that I'd buy it immediately. He told me he had to talk to the manager. I told him to take his time because I had to get back to my family who were waiting for me. I left him my business card and asked him to call my mobile with his manager's answer.

I left and walked around a bit more with my family. I told my wife what I offered. Her comment was, "well, good luck, but I haven't heard your phone ringing." Right then, my iPhone rang. It was the Tourneau salesman. He told me that the lowest they could go "out the door" (tax included) was $21,500. I told him, "well, that's not going to get it done for me" so the deal was off.

Oh well ... maybe they'll call after it gathers some dust.
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