17 June 2019, 02:26 AM
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 187
Originally Posted by enjoythemusic
Death is for drugs of a very high qty / type, can also be 20k fine and an ass whoppin' you'll NEVER forget. Singapore also canes, and they hit hard as I've seen videos. Lived in Singapore for a few months and truly love it there. Great country, very safe overall.
The guy who stole the Rolex WILL get caught, and WILL be held to account. Singapore is very upfront about their laws. Frankly, just don't be an a$&hole and you'll have an awesome time. Oh, and plan to gain weight, the food stalls are spectacular!
See link below, they are VERY clear. Again, just be cool... and have a few drinks on Sentosa Island :)
Wow the penalties are very harsh... Not worth it at all