Originally Posted by bearxj86
Trying to justify and give reason to each and every trading day is a fool's errand imho just like trying to time the market :). Just like your diet it should be measured over a period of time.
Another Buffett quote. "The stock market in the short run is a voting machine and in the long run it is a weighing machine". When you deal with "voting" it's more about momentum, emotions and public sentiment.
What is there to not feel optimistic about versus how we should have felt 2 weeks or a month ago? I daresay in the past 14 days we have been able to:
1) We know more than we ever know and learning more day by day.
2) Multiple companies have vaccines pending.
3) World leaders are all working towards the same goal - to stabilize our economies and prevent deaths.
4) Sound strategies such as "Hammer" and "Dance" are viable
5) Asian countries have shown it can be kept under control.
6) Fed and Congress are taking bazookas and atom bombs against the liquidity threat
7) Point of care COVID-19 test approved by FDA by Cepheid
8) Death rates seem acceptable so far relative to Italy
9) Stock market values are attractive and present an opportunity to look ahead and find REAL value
10) American companies are focusing on Ventilators.
No one is arguing these aren't painful or uncertain times, but crisis is always crisis. I think we're doing a lot about it. The fact this is a GLOBAL threat has resulted in the smartest people and all people all focused on a singular problem. I will not bet against 1) the resolve and resilency of the American people, 2) The combined wisdom and expertise of our world leaders and scientists, 3) all of mankind :)
Very well said, thanks for injecting some optimism, and so well worded.