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Old 20 April 2023, 07:19 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2023
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Help on Rolex 5513 Bezel Insert Dimensions

Bezel insert experts; your thoughts if you would be so kind

I don't have the post count for pics/links yet but maybe we'll get there on this thread. Pics sent to seller (of inserts in vernier calipers, watch, bezel, etc.) by other means.

I have bought a couple of inserts from the Rolex Forum Parts section (same source and issues), but to obfuscate the transaction for now, I shall focus on the most 'common' of the inserts; the black, thin font, Rolex 5513 Service Insert.

I understand that a Rolex 5513 should measure: ID=30.3mm, OD=36.55mm

My 5513 service insert measures: ID =30.2mm (-0.1mm), OD=36.0mm (-0.55mm)

The vernier calipers read to 1 decimal place, were zeroed before measurement of course, and 'calibrated' (checked) on some drill bits. With 1 decimal place, I assume +/- 0.05mm.

The insert was described as genuine, great condition and fitting a Rolex 5513 (or Tudor 9411, etc.) bezel. I can confirm that the insert is in great condition with no visible signs of damage, including no (obvious) damage or shaving to the OD.

However, the vernier calipers were brought out as it isn't even close to click fitting the bezel, let alone a tight or friction fit. The ID is fine and fits the plexi (and probably within my measuring ability/caliper tolerance at -0.1mm) but it simply falls out of the bezel ring, being 36.0mm OD.

My view is that's because a 36.0mm insert is never going to fit a 36.5mm bezel/hole (caliper measured), which is meant to take a ~36.55mm insert. You can literally move the insert slightly, up, down, left, right, etc. when in the bezel.

The strange thing is, would Rolex have been so poor on their tolerances/QC to sell a 36.0mm OD insert (35.95mm to 36.04mm OD by my calipers)?

With no signs of wear to the insert, one could assume the bezel is at fault but it measures 'ok' and if the insert measured 'ok', I'd be happy.

It's hard to find dimensions of inserts for sale but looking on ebay at "oldwatchparts" (Crown Art Customs), he lists his aftermarket inserts with the smallest OD being 36.49mm (only one) and the majority (10+) at 36.52mm/36.54mm. There is one genuine bezel with measurements I have found on ebay and that is stated as 36.5mm OD, a full half mil larger than mine.

Questions; would you expect a 36.0mm OD insert to ever fit a 5513/9411 bezel without glue, etc.? Has anyone heard of this 'issue' before i.e could the insert be for another model?

If the 'width' of the insert is <3mm (36.0mm - 30.2mm / 2) then losing almost 0.3mm (0.55mm / 2) off the width is a ~10% loss of metal/tolerance!

My view; this insert is never going to correctly fit 'any' 5513 bezel and at best, it's a genuine insert that has been shaved, but somehow looks perfect on the edge and markers. Same issues with another.

Will post pics if/when I can - thoughts appreciated!
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