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Old 5 January 2025, 02:42 AM   #11
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by RichardBartlett View Post
Day at sea.

I don't normally post sea days as what I eat and sleep is of no interest to anyone but to give a small piece of information regarding world cruises I'll update you

As we know old people are generally rubbish at standing up , walking around etc but exceptionally good at falling over unexpectedly. Thus the increase in slings, bandages and plaster casts is inversely proportional to the days left on the cruise. I often quip WC ships should have a large red cross painted on the side.!

A few days ago we had a call on the intercom for the emergency medical team to the open pool area after a lady had fallen. She was stretchered away and afaik she is ok.

However yesterday afternoon we had another emergency medical response team call (to the pizza bar area)over the tannoy.
The upshot of that call was today we had an unscheduled stop before Rio to drop off a passenger for them to go to hospital. I have no update on who or what but presume it was a heart attack.

On that note, it's expected and anticipated that an average of 3-5 passengers sadly pass away during the trip. Some die from old age, stress, over indulgence etc , some by having an accident either onboard or onshore and even some by suicide.

For example on our last WC (after we'd disembarked TBF) one lady failed to show up to disembark (in Germany) even though her luggage had been left outside the room and taken down.
On entering her room they found her balcony door open. It's assumed on the last evening she had chosen to jump rather than leave normally. It's possible she'd planned it all along but obviously no one knows and tbh I don't know if a note was left or not.
On a lighter note.
On embarking our dining table consisted of
one couple who had been put on the wrong table so we lost them immediately. One couple who changed to early dining due to her dietary needs.
One swedish guy who has been ill for two weeks (although we actually believe he wants a table alone but is too shy to say)
Us two and an English couple who disembark tomorrow

So out of a total of 9 we will be left on our lonesome, ownsome twosome unless A, we swap tables ourselves or B, fresh blood come on board in Rio tomorrow.. tbc

Anyhoo Rio in the morning for a stop over and heavy rain, thunder and lightning is expected. Oh joy.

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Back in the early 80's, my parents took me on my first cruise...2 weeks to Alaska. It was a smallish ship, 600-700 passengers, and most were VERY elderly. We lost 3 people to old age during the 2 week trip.

When the waiter would bring the ice cream out for dessert, they would tap it with a spoon and either declare "it's soft, we had to make room in the freezer" or "it's hard, we didn't lose anyone today".
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