14 January 2025, 10:39 AM
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Oct 2024
Location: North of Equator
Posts: 73
Originally Posted by DougUSMC
Thanks for all of the comments, I was completely unaware of the potential misstep and I now have a better understanding.
To try to answer a few questions and concerns:
- This is all past tense, the watch was returned last Friday.
- I'm 99.9% certain it was new. I didn't check or ask, but I don't recall a CPO box or white tags, and I would've noticed if they were.
- I didn't check the card to see if it had been dated, I wish I had. The stickers had been removed.
- I understand the concerns with returning a gift, and would agree. It's my wife that made my change my mind over the years. She'd be annoyed with me if I *didn't* return it for something I preferred, especially given the cost of the item. She'll tell you that she didn't even select it, she asked the SA to help pick something. The SA also knows how we gift. I was in a couple of days before my wife (unbeknownst to either of us) buying some things for her. The SA helped me select some designer bags and some jewelry, knowing the odds were 50/50 at best that my wife wouldn't exchange them. I understand that jewelry and bags are different than Rolex, I only mention this to say that's how my wife prefers that we gift.
- Again, my wife had no idea which to get me, she had the SA choose. The SA told her (and she told me) that I had until the 15th to return it. Everything everyone is saying about the challenges that arise with a returned watch make perfect sense to me, but the only thing in my head was that I only had a few days left to return. Not if I *could* return.
- I was already planning to bring my SA something back from this trip, but now I'm going to have to make it a little more special. Not only as a huge thank you, but also with the hope that she'll help me understand the impact of the return.
Thanks for chiming back in. Keep us posted and hope things work out in your favor moving forward with the other references.