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Old 18 October 2012, 11:40 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Another creation (a real one this time)!

Greetings TRF,

Today was the last day of my jewelry class before my exam. After working on rings and chains made out of both silver and gold and coming in a lot of different sizes (believe me, some of those very small chains weren't easy to work on at all...) I got some experience with soldering precious metals and working on them with several tools.

Now since this was the end of the class I got to work on something quite special, the teacher handed me a few small silver pieces and two small stones. With the help of my torch and a lot of tools, I managed (after burning and breaking a few of the said pieces...thank goodness she had spare parts...) to make those!

You will notice that they are far from being perfect. I actually had to put the bezels and the pins together with my torch before making the claws (they were just small sticks on the bezel, I had to cut a part of them before bending them on the stone and make the edges more round), buffing, polishing and cleaning them. Unfortunately, while using my torch, I heated the pins a tad too much and it made some small dots and holes on them, you may also notice that the pins may not be fully straight because of that and all the work I did on the earrings.

Still, I am personally quite proud of the job I did. They are very small so it was quite hard to avoid mistakes and I think it's not that bad for somebody who never worked on anything related to jewels before...

I was quite surprised and happy when the teacher told me we were keeping those earrings. Despite all the imperfections they have they are still handmade by myself and they will remain a good souvenir of my first days as a jewelry/horology student. Who knows, perhaps I will take more jewelry classes after my watchmaking formation so I can be better...or at least try (although I am far from being the best I really enjoyed those classes, I had a lot of fun and found it very interesting)!

And now, for those of you who would like to know, those are going to be a little just because gift to my better half! She doesn't know I made earrings and I hope she will enjoy them (whether she wears them or not, as long as she knows I made them).

Thank you for watching, feel free to comment!
Mon corps c'est un pays en guerre sur l'point d'finir,
Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
On va hisser le drapeau blanc un point c'est tout.

- André Fortin
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