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Old 5 January 2008, 07:21 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Only Ugly Girls Should Have To Pay Their Credit Card Bill!

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Date: 2008-01-04, 12:27PM EST

Yeah, yeah, you've bought a lot of Christmas gifts. And you got a new dress and you got your hair done and your legs waxed and your puss waxed. And you got that massage you needed from doing all that shopping.
And you've run up a bitchin' credit card bill.
And the banks expect you do do what? Pay that bill? And moer money on top of that/ (I think they call that extra money. . .interest).
Don't they, can't they see who you are?
Haven't they gotten a good look at you? You're amazing.
You've got beautiful, free flowing, long luxuriantt hair that cascades down your head like a river.
You are busty as hell, with boobs mountainous enough to make a huge blip on most GPS systems.
And that's atop a near impossibly nipped in waist, leading to legs so sculped, they'd turn Michelangelo straight.
You're what all men want and what all women want to be. And as if that aint enough, you're smart and witty. . ..on second thaought, I don't really give a crap about that. I'm about the boobs, and the little waist and the legs and the hair.
Anyway, like I was saying, you're hotter than hell. And they expect you do what! TTo pay your credit card bills? To work? At a job? That is so 2007.
Now this is whree I can help. Ya see, I'm an investment banker downtown.
Oh don't get your hopes up. I'll be honest with you. Unlike you, I'm not much in the looks department. So I can't giv you that.
What I do have is an apartment nearby that I'm not using. And a buncha cash I'm not using. And a hot poker hand's worth of platinum and gold credit cards I'm not using either. Maybe you'd like to use them. What the hell, I'm not.
Now, I'm gonna be upfront. This generous offer isn't simply so you can have the privilege of living in my place, spending my money and watching my credit card balances grow. No, I would expect that in exchange for these privileges you will gladly, willingly and enthusiastically fulfill my deepest desires, especially of a sexual nature.
Let's call it an arrangement.
In order to qualify for this arrangement, I'll need to see several clear photos of you, both face and body.And please don't give me any excuses about the craigs list size limit. If you don't have the brains to figure out how to reduce the size of your photo, you're disqualified. If I'm interested, I'll get back to you, if I'm not, I won't.
So let's hear from you and see those pics. Otherwise, don't forget to pay your bill on time. Don't want to ruin that credit rating.

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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