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Old 23 November 2004, 10:25 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 19
English (or lack thereof).

Why is it the case that large portions of information on the internet are almost unreadable? Here are just a few glaring errors that have the ability to turn a sentence into an arduous task of deduction to determine the intent of the author:

were ≠ we’re or where
dose ≠ does
there ≠ their or they’re
definately ≠ definitely
proberly ≠ probably
then ≠ than
dont ≠ don’t
u ≠ you
r ≠ are
ur ≠ your or you’re
cant ≠ can’t
ppl ≠ people
wont ≠ won’t
wich ≠ which
cheep ≠ cheap
loose ≠ lose
site ≠ sight
im ≠ I’m or I am
ive ≠ I have
whats ≠ what’s
to ≠ too
ware ≠ wear
sore ≠ soar
payed ≠ paid
peek ≠ peak
you ≠ your
could of ≠ could have
hung ≠ hanged
grammer ≠ grammar

A word that ends in ‘s’ is not automatically entitled to an apostrophe. It's not hard to use the apostrophe correctly. Here is a clue:

There is no such thing as ‘off of’. It is just ‘off’. Names are proper nouns. They are entitled to a capital. ‘Disorientated’ is wrong. It is simply ‘disoriented’. I don’t care what your teacher said. They were wrong. Plain and simple. Nuclear is not pronounced nuke-u-lar. It's new-clear.

Leave SMS shorthand on a telephone; where SMS can be turned off completely.

Sentences start with a capital letter. They conclude with a full stop (period). Punctuation is important.

There is only one group that can get away with borderline spelling and grammar. It’s those for whom English is not their first language. However, when the vast majority of spelling and grammar errors come from people that do not have any language other than English it is a pretty sad indictment of native speakers and their diligence.

It’s a written medium. At least get the written part correct. First impressions last and when there’s only the written word to present your ideas you are beholden to the structure of the written word.

Last edited by Laager; 24 November 2004 at 12:20 AM..
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