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Old 16 March 2017, 09:55 AM   #25
"TRF" Member
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The VTC Guy:

I have plenty experience, lots of stress and stomach pain throughout the years.
This is my list of ingredients to attack an ulcer (helped heal my stomach bleeding ulcers faster than doc predicted) because I supplemented the following nutraceuticals and foods (through my own online research) with his prescription of brand name Nexium.

Get from health food store:

..Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) (not typical licorice candy): A special licorice extract for peptic ulcers (duodenal and gastric)

..zinc l-carnosine

..licorice tea


..aloe vera gel or juice (organic from health food store)

..blanched almonds (from grocery store)
..boiled cabbage juice

if you do drink milk, new evidence indicates in long run it may not help.
Add a bit of sugar to milk is the new advice.... to break down acid.

Years ago, I developed ulcer while on Prevacid, which did not resolve when prescribed Prilosec. Only medication that doc and I found was best for me was: brand name Nexium, no generics.

I'm OK now, but I am careful about food selections. Of course, can't always control the left turns in life resulting in stress, which in my case did contribute to my ulcers, twice.
If I get break through discomfort from food now, such as restaurant prepared meal where I don't know what spices they use, I will pop a low dose Pepcid, then all is good. I take brand Nexium 20mg daily. Worried about bone health, have tried to wean off Nexium, but have not been successful.

And do avoid from NSAIDS, aspirin, alcohol, coffee, beef, spices, all the stuff others here have mentioned.

Scores of links on internet about addressing stomach ulcer woes.

PM me if needed. Will be glad to help, as have been there, done that.

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